I'm tired of being in France and everyone thinking i carry drugs with me! help?
So I'm a 16 year old exchange student in France from Bogota, Colombia. I dont really look latin, i have very white skin, green eyes and light brown hair, and I'm tall and whatnot. The thing is, when i first meet someone and they notice my accent, they ask, ''where are you from'' i say ''Colombia'' and their face kindof shocks, and they say ohhhh drugs. and i jsut make a face like ''- _-" and they start talking about drugs and telling stories about what they've tried etc etc. They hear Colombia and they make direct refference!! its not even funny. Alot of guys from my school have asked me if I've ever tried any drugs or IF I HAVE ANY!! (which i certainly DO NOT) poeple make jokes about drug dealers and colombia&drugs infront of me! its soo rude i just- Anyways, yes. I know Colombia has had many 'problems'with drugs, but seriously. Some people even look at me like if i was hiding something and no one believes me when i tell them my parents are important economists of colombia (they are!) they just think I'm making that up to hide a drug-dealing background. **extra Its even stupider the shock on peoples face when they realize i have culture and manners and good looks! they cant believe im not an ''indian'' and they ask me if colombia is a jungle and if i live in a hut and stuff thats totally out of context! even my host family! ughhh this is annoying me soo much!!
Other - France - 1 Answers
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To be honest, that is all you really hear of about Colombia besides news on Shakira, drugs oh and kidnappings so it's going to be the first thing they say when they hear thats where you are from because that's all that they know of about this very little known Country. It becomes very annoying to keep telling the same stories over and over again from people curious about Australia. I get a lot of people who ask me if I own a koala and ride kangaroos in the outback cause i'm Australian but all people know of about Australia if they've never been is koalas and kangaroos. As soon as people ask what ehtnicity I am because I look 100% un-Australian, they automatically assume I love an*l s*x (trying to keep it clean cause of your age!) because that's what Greeks are apparently known for! Every country has a reputation for something whether good or bad and at the end of the day it doesn't really matter what people think of you or your Country because they obviously know nothing about Colombia or you personally. Just be proud of who you are and where you are from and if people don't believe your story about your parents, tell them something else.!
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