Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Can a foreign physical therapist work in the usa? Question about PRE MED aswell.?

Can a foreign physical therapist work in the usa? Question about PRE MED aswell.?
Hi, well I have two questions and I'd be quite appreciative if I could get some good answers. First, I'm a student of Physical Therapy in Costa Rica, I would like to know what are the opportunities or requirments for someone studying outside of the United States to be able to work in the united states; be it a clinc, hospital, etc. My worry come's as obviously, I always have to keep an open mind as to the possibilities of working in other countries. I myself am Costa Rican born but an American Citizen through my parents who are american, and I lived there myself for 10 years, so I'm guessing that should easy things up for me. I get this confusion because I always here things like "You have to do # years of PRE - MED" and "THEN pick the speciality you want to study" to be able to become a P.T., or a Doctor, etc... Here in Costa Rica we dont have "pre med" per say. My career takes 2 years and 4 months to become a BACHELOR IN PHYSICAL THERAPY, although this is not the same "bachelor" degree as in the USA, because it's really just a mile stone, you'r not allowed to work as a P.T. and your not licensed being a bachelor. You must do a total of 1 year and 4 months more (3 years, 8 months total) to become a "licenciado" which I do not know the english translation, and I know they do not use that terminology in the USA. After those 3 years, 8 months, it's the equivalent of "bachelor" in the USA, being able to work and all. In my country you cannot jump from bachelor to master degree, you must first be a "licenciado" and then pursue your masters degree. The way P.T. is structued here, which makes me belive the "bachelor" part is similar to what pre med would be, is that we see "classes" which include "basic sciences" like Biology, Anatomy, Physics, Neuro Anatomy, Physiology, Nursing, Neuro physiology, psycology, proffesional ethics, interventional methods in health.. We see "complementary sciences to PT": General Medicine, Medical Pathology I, II, and III, Traumatology and Orthopedia, Excersice physiology, Applied physicology, Psichiatry, epidemology, Neuro Devolopment.. and we see "specific science to PT" which compose 10 classes.. Most of these by the way have their own labs. Now I feel the "bachelor" part has more general classes towards the whole of sciences that relate with the health care profession, and not as many "specific" P.T., although there are 10 classes. And the "licenciado" part has 15 specific PT classes, 1 basic and 2 complementery.. which is why you cannot work here and are not licenced until your a "licenciado" which is the equivalent to "bachelor" in the USA, because until "licenciado" we do ALL of the practicing, community service hours, and really "GET INTO" PT. Is the way I described the system similar to what PRE MED and PT would be in the USA? I'm just worried that if in the USA there are much more requirments then I won't be able to work there, or someone with a University title from outside the USA wont get as much opportunities. Can someone help me out? Now, I wouldn't be worried at all if someone tells me that you can work, just have to do some tests to get the license, because my university here in CR teaches EXCELENTLY, and it's actually certified by many national and international standars, it's a specialized college, and it's the only one from Mexico to Colombia and the Carribean which gives masters degress aswell. My worries would come if I'd have to "go back to college" because they won't accept part of my title. Can you help me? Did I make myself clear? SORRY for the long messege. Also If I didnt get the "pre med" part well can someone help explaining it to me clearly? THANKYOU. Also how many years does it take to become a P.T. in the USA? Here in CR, its 3 years and 8 months to have the equivalent of bachelor in the usa, and about 1.5 more years for masters degree.
Mental Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
Yes. But to work here in the USA, you must be licensed in the state in which you practice and have proof of insurance.
2 :
maybe Please answer my question because no one ever does. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AtJjjXAQ.iAq1ArGGvcH5Fzsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100504193042AAF9tRc

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Run on sentence help?

Run on sentence help?
Correct all run-on errors in the following paragraph. There are 5 errors. My friend, Miranda, is a junior majoring in government, and she plans to go to law school. Most law schools accept applicants from all majors, she thinks that majoring in government would help her prepare for law. All laws schools do require good grades and high score onthe LSAT. Her grades are high she has about at 3.8 GPA currently. She works very hard, she tudies more than any peron I know. She plans to take the LSAT this fall she will be studying for it on top of everything else. I admire her energy, I'm sure she has what it takes to be a good law student. Correct the following: 1. Collen called, she wants me to help her with her homework. 2. London was the first city to have a population of over one million, it reached that milestone in 1811. 3. My son wants to buy a snake, his mother is not happy about the idea. 4. The mascot for Yale is now a bulldog, its mascot over a hundred years ago was a cat. 5. Coloumbia was once considered part of South Amierca, its government decided in 1903 to proclaim Colombia was part of North America.
Words & Wordplay - 2 Answers
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1 :
My friend, Miranda, is a junior majoring in government; she plans to go to law school. Most law schools accept applicants from all majors. She thinks that majoring in government would help her prepare for law. All law schools do require good grades and a high score on the LSAT. Her are are high and she has about a 3.8 GPA currently. She works very hard- she studies more than any person I know. She plans to take the LSAT this fall and so she will be studying for it on top of everything else. I admire her energy and I'm sure that she has what it takes to be a good law student. You need to check your commas and add some periods. In some cases use a semi-colon. 1. Collen called; she wants me to help her with her homework. 2. London was the first city to have a population of over one million; it reached that milestone in 1811 As I'm going thru these all they need is a semi-colon. A semicolon punctuation mark used to separate two parts of a compound sentence when they are not connected by a conjunction.
2 :
1. called;she 2. million: it These are all the same. You are joing two seperate complete sentnces . You have 3 options: . use a period and a capital......... snake.His . use a semi colon . use a conjunction.........bulldog, but its'............America , however its'

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Will I be accepted to college?

Will I be accepted to college?
Hello, I'm a Junior in High School right now, and was wondering if I have a chance at being accepted into any of my dream schools. As it stands, I have a 3.7 (weighted) GPA overall, however my freshman and sophomore year GPA's were both higher than my GPA this year (3.6, I believe). Aside from that, I scored a 2160 on my SAT's, which I still hope to raise in May since its not that good. I also participate in a variety of clubs around school including: Key Club, Model UN, Student Council, Debate Club, Increase the Peace, India Club, Asian Culture Club, Book Club, as well as some others. I've taken AP and Honers classes throughout my entire high school experience, and although I would love to tell you my school no longer offers class rank. Outside of school I do several forms of martial arts, currently Jujitsu, as well as fence, rock climb, and some water sports. I also intern for a local lawyer, and work as a lifeguard and Kumon Mentor. My dream has always been to go to school at Colombia, Brown, NYU, Cornell, Boston University, Colgate, Williams, or Amherst. Am I qualified enough to go, and do I have a chance? Thank you in advance, for all your advice and help.
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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1 :
Yes! Most definitely. You have so many chances! You have a good GPA and a high SAT score. You are in many clubs and extracirricular activities. I think you have a strong chance of getting into any of those colleges. You are qualified enough!!
2 :
!!! i think u can get to practically anywhere!
3 :
I'm also a junior in high school, and have a 3.7 unweighted. So first of all, hello fellow college admissions competitor :P. You've got a damn strong amount of extracurriculars (holy crap I work at Kumon too), and a decent GPA. A 2160 is pretty good, and i think can get you into most of the schools on your list with that score, though your GPA will weigh you down. A weighted GPA of 3.7 is okay, but that equates to a lower GPA if you've taken so many AP and honors classes. Amherst, Cornell, Brown, and Columbia will be a little more on the fence, but I think you'll be okay with Williams, Colgate, and definitely Boston University. So focus on doing well on your AP tests and bringing up your GPA, as your GPA is the most important factor on your application. Try for Straight A's this year- that'll be the most amazing thing you can do as a junior while taking four or five APs. It's tough, i acknowledge, and I'm taking four APs this year so I can relate to you. good luck!
4 :
Your SAT scores are actually higher than most. That's around the "average" for some of the schools you're applying to. Your extra curriculars are REALLY gonna help you stand out (especially since you see to have a focus with them and are not jumping all over the place). Do whatever you can to make yourself look good from this point on, because there is not much you can do about your GPA. Many schools look more closely at the classes you took rather than the grades you received anyway, but of course the latter is still pretty significant. Write a KILLER essay, do something really special (strongly suggest something in a charity field, if at all possible), and recognize your own strengths and weaknesses. All three will really help you! I agree with the above answer in regard to their analysis of the specific schools. You will definitely be accepted SOMEWHERE, as you are a fairly strong student (or it appears so), but perhaps you should broaden your horizons just in case. Never hurts to apply to TOO many schools! Also, your chances may increase if you apply to a school early decision or early action. You may want to check that out, as well.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Are the United Nations and European Union worth it?

Are the United Nations and European Union worth it?
This is a recurrent topic (at least in me) but I feel its worthy to post about it because today the Honduran president got ousted (or so we have been told, at least). I am not from Honduras or anything of the like. I was born in Europe but since very small lived in various Latin American countries. This time, I will not talk about the United States, everyone talks about them everyday anyways. Today, the European Union, the United Nations, the Organization of the Americas States, they are all condeming the (coup?) against Zelaya. In the past, they had also reacted in a similar way regarding Chavez, and regarding Ecuador before Correa. They also seem to criticize the way Colombia takes ahead its internal war, but hey, its a war, not a Disney Park. Its fine, its OK to criticize coups and such. But the problem with these organizations is that, in reality, they are useless, and if anything, they help dictators. I will say it very simple. -Where the fuck is/was the European Union / United Nations when thousands of people were executed in Cuba by Castro? Nowhere! -Where the fuck is/was the European Union / United Nations in front of the fact that Fidel Castro has been the king of Cuba, in power for 50 years? Nowhere! What did Europe do about Fidel? Reward him by building hotels! -Where the fuck is/was the European Union / United Nations when Burma fell under a big dictatorship? Nowhere! -Where the fuck is/was the European Union / United Nations in front of the events at Darfur? Nowhere! -Where the fuck is/was the European Union / United Nations during Tianan Meng (spelling?)? Nowhere! -Does the European Union or United Nations care about North Korea? No, all they do is blame each other. Does the European Union / United Nations care that Chavez wants to stay in power until 2050 no matter what anyone says? No. Do they care that Chavez ordered to throw tear gas and jail any student or whoever protests? No. Did they care when the Human Rights watch representative got expelled from Venezuela with no reason? No. What does the European Union do? They pretty much support Colombian guerrillas and Peruvian guerrillas, and any government that puts a stop to them is quickly criticized. -Where the fuck is/was the European Union / United Nations when three white men were shot in Bolivia for political reasons? Nowhere! Did they even bother trying to investigate if the claims of a potential magnicide were true? Not at all. -If Zelaya was not ousted, or if he comes back to power, and manages to stay in power for 30 years, will the European Union / United Nations do something about it? You guessed it, they won't. So all the democracy and freedom talk done by the European Union, United Nations, and OAS, is pretty much garbage, all they have achieved is to reward dictators and wannabe- dictators, without any real concern about freedom for people. The European Union and the United Nations and the OAS are made up of a bunch of guys who drink wine and who don't give a crap about the foot citizen. Thats the truth about them. All of these grouos could be abolished, and the World would not be very different, except that dictators would not have anyone to support them (internationally). United Nations: They are as useless, or maybe more, than the League of Nations in the 1930s.
International Organizations - 5 Answers
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1 :
Short answers to complicated questions are: UN: Grand concept but poorly executed. EU: Grand concept but the jury is still out on this one.
2 :
It is difficult to answer a question such as this because it is posted by someone to whom world politics are a complete mystery. Why do you repeatedly compare the E.U with the U.N? The U.N charter was signed on the 26 June 1945, the E.U charter was signed 1 November 1993. The UN was set up to try to prevent wars and major upheaval between countries in an effort to make sure we do not have anymore global wars. In the main they have been successful. The U.N is not allowed to interfere with the internal affairs of a sovereign nation, it can only come in if it is invited by the government of that nation. That is why the U.N does not come to the rescue every time something happens in a country that perhaps we disagree with.The European Union is a conglomerate of 27 countries that have banded together to trade with each other and to have a common group of laws that will enable those countries to coexist with some sort of cohesion . So you can see that the two were set up for very different purposes. You could argue why did not the U.N come to the USA when the Kennedy,s were shot or when Regan was shot or when the Feds became completely out of control at Waco or when the national guard shot the students at Kent University. These are all similar to the happenings that you think the U.N should interfere in, but as I have stated they cannot interfere in a countries internal affairs. The E.U has no remit at all in these matters. I have kept my answer simple and in very general terms so that even you can get a grasp on way these things work. I suggest you do a little more research before you post these type of questions.
3 :
What do u want them to do attack or assassinate. These are ridiculous. This is what the US did to communism and it failed. There is nothing you can do but condemn
4 :
What would you have the UN do? Should they invade and restore order in every unsettled country? That would mean a much larger military presence than the currently have and everyone putting more money into it. If they got involved in every undemocratic activity and interevened each time, there would be UN forces on the ground in about 80% of the world. So, I ask you, what would you have the UN do? And how do you suppose they will do it. As for the EU - the EU is basically an economic federation for the betterment of it's members. Why should a group of European countries get involved in what happens in south america - any more than AFrican ones? Why aren't you asking where ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) was when all of this was going on.
5 :
Most of them, UN, EU and so on are run by International Banks and therefore acts as a puppet show for the World Bank owners and international brokers. Whatever they want to happen, happens. Could it be war, peace, fascism, socialism, and the list goes on. EU is the first block of three. The next to come is the American block (Canada, USA, Mexico), then the Asian block (China, Japan, Australia etc..) Once three blocks are ready, they will be tied together by an emerging world government, the New World Order, often referred to by all recent presidents of the US, including Obama. How could such a global domination of world banks be achieved with the consent of the masses? Through mass mind manipulation events, like the current economic crisis and 911. Democracy is an ideology which is part of the US constitution, but was doomed to failure once personal interests bypassed it, putting the institutions before the populations. It used to be "We the people, by the people, for the people. Now it means "We the institutions, by the institutions, for the institutions."

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