Friday, June 7, 2013

United Nations: Beneficial for dictators worldwide?

United Nations: Beneficial for dictators worldwide?
This is a recurrent topic (at least in me) but I feel its worthy to post about it because today the Honduran president got ousted (or so we have been told, at least). I am not from Honduras or anything of the like. I was born in Europe but since very small lived in various Latin American countries. And this message is not a reply to what I have seen in Honduras, but more of a generic reflection overall. This time, I will not talk about the United States, everyone talks about them everyday anyways. Today, the European Union, the United Nations, the Organization of the Americas States, they are all condeming the (coup?) against Zelaya. In the past, they had also reacted in a similar way regarding Chavez, and regarding Ecuador before Correa. They also seem to criticize the way Colombia takes ahead its internal war, but hey, its a war, not a Disney Park. Its fine, its OK to criticize coups and such. But the problem with these organizations is that, in reality, they are useless, and if anything, they help dictators. I will say it very simple. -Where the fuck is/was the European Union / United Nations when thousands of people were executed in Cuba by Castro? Nowhere! -Where the fuck is/was the European Union / United Nations in front of the fact that Fidel Castro has been the king of Cuba, in power for 50 years? Nowhere! What did Europe do about Fidel? Reward him by building hotels! -Where the fuck is/was the European Union / United Nations when Burma fell under a big dictatorship? Nowhere! -Where the fuck is/was the European Union / United Nations in front of the events at Darfur? Nowhere! -Where the fuck is/was the European Union / United Nations during Tianan Meng (spelling?)? Nowhere! -Does the European Union or United Nations care about North Korea? No, all they do is blame each other. Does the European Union / United Nations care that Chavez wants to stay in power until 2050 no matter what anyone says? No. Do they care that Chavez ordered to throw tear gas and jail any student or whoever protests? No. Did they care when the Human Rights watch representative got expelled from Venezuela with no reason? No. What does the European Union do? They pretty much support Colombian guerrillas and Peruvian guerrillas, and any government that puts a stop to them is quickly criticized. -Where the fuck is/was the European Union / United Nations when three white men were shot in Bolivia for political reasons? Nowhere! Did they even bother trying to investigate if the claims of a potential magnicide were true? Not at all. -If Zelaya was not ousted, or if he comes back to power, and manages to stay in power for 30 years, will the European Union / United Nations do something about it? You guessed it, they won't. So all the democracy and freedom talk done by the European Union, United Nations, and OAS, is pretty much garbage, all they have achieved is to reward dictators and wannabe- dictators, without any real concern about freedom for people. The European Union and the United Nations and the OAS are made up of a bunch of guys who drink wine and who don't give a crap about the foot citizen. Thats the truth about them. All of these groups could be abolished, and the World would not be very different, except that dictators would not have anyone to support them (internationally). The World can go without them. They only defend freedom in paper. United Nations: They are as useless, or maybe more, than the League of Nations in the 1930s. Adding to the list - Exactly! - They pretty much helped Mugabe. And (also in Africa) they didn't care about the killings in Rwanda.
Politics - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The United Nations is very useful! It allows us to give money to all of these other countries so that they will like us! You cons just don't understand that if we keep sending money overseas and apologize everyone in the world will like us.
2 :
Abolish the UN! I say.
3 :
The UN is an extremely anti-American organization and should be kicked out of our country.
4 :
The United Nations should be disbanded and have their headquarters thrown out of the United States. The united nations is worthless and it does not serve a good purpose. We in the US are paying the majority of their budget and we are not getting anything for it.
5 :
Yes. the UN has done more to help keep totalitarian dictatorships in power than the dictators themselves.
6 :
theyre not beneficial and not dictators, theyre useless, were paying 1/5 or more of their damn tab and they never do anything that the whole organization was designed for. if it was they would have put down saddam hussein simply because he was genocidal, (no weapons shit) or help in Darfur, or anything ELSE they were designed for. leave the UN, its not like they have helped us much since Korea anyway.
7 :
You know that they are propping up Mugabe with rice shipments after what he did to the Zimbabwe economy with his genocide of white sharcroppers. I believe that that exactly falls into the definition of "beneficial for dictators worldwide." Peace
8 :
Well I am a American I hope you don't mind me posting here. I personally agree that I am not a supporter of the united nations. I think they are a great sponge on our country. We house them here in our country and give them huge financial support. I think its time they started paying rent for the huge New York head quarter they get here. We are also tired of being the big brother to the world who appointed us as such? what country today says thank you to americans for all the financial aid they have received from us. Why should any of us work to pay taxes that support the efforts of such a organization? I think I will post a few on the united nations myself. Thanks for your insight.
9 :
The UN should be run out of this country (and every other decent democratic country, if we still qualify as such) at the POINT OF A BAYONET.

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