How many friends do I really have?
OK So i have lots of ppl who I consider "friends," but now that I think about it a lot of them seem to be superficial. I will tell u about each of them. WHich ones do u think r genuine friends? Jake Czekaj: The class clown. Jake is really fat but also really nice, although he always plays pranks and stuff on me. He likes making fun of me, but then again he makes fun of almost everyone. He is a lot bigger than me and likes to give me noogies and stuff, not realizing they actually hurt. I like to help him out but he's only helped me out about once. Julie Amuleti: An exchange student from Italy, Julie is Jake's gf and a very nice girl. I hang out with her too, although she speaks poor english. She likes to make fun of me too, but only when her bf is around, and she looks like she kinda regrets it. She likes to gossip a lot with these other European girls, and one time I heard them giggling and mentioning my name. I think she may have a crush on me. Santiago Velasquez: A Latino from Colombia who doesn't fit the Hispanic stereotype at all. Santiago is studious, intelligent, and unbelievably wealthy. He has a quick temper though and is easily angered. He hates having bad grades and gets all twitchy and flinchy if he gets a 95% on a test. He has an unbelievably hot mom, who Jake often mentions, and Santiago gets angry at that disrespect. His near-perfect life is often a source of jealousy, although he is also unbelievably nice, and loves to help others, particularly me. He is a hypochondria. He is very uptight and ancy, sometimes he even wears suits! When angry or startled, he swears in Spanish, then apologizes as if we even knew what he was saying. He talks very fast. Gertrude Wain: The class goth. She is creepy and depressing. Like Jake, she likes other people's miseries, and laughs when I get scared. She still tries to help everyone out though. She dresses scary, too. Mitchell Magyar: Another class clown, Mitchell is a devout Jew, yet despite that he manages to get on EVERYONE'S nerves! He is really annoying!!!!! Santiago dislikes his constant interruption of class, whereas Jake loves it. Who do u think is a real friend? Can u maybe put it like: Jake is a great friends cuz bla bla bla or Santiago is a bad friend because bla bla bla and then u should forget about Julie bla bla bla What do u think? Who is my actual friends and who isn't?
Friends - 1 Answers
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1 :
Jake: He is a jerk. Leave him. Forget about him. Julie: I think she was saying something about u to her friends. U should try to talk to her. Her acts of friendship do seem genuine, and the reason she seems pained to make fun of u is probably because she doesn't want to. Its her horrid bf's fault, i think. Santiago: Great kid, don't leave him. He seems a little stressed though, maybe u could help him see there's more to life than books and numbers? Gertrude: Creepy! Try talking to her. U didn't explain her too well, maybe she is friendly maybe she isn't Mitchell: Another Jake. Get away from those two!
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