Can I still get into a decent law school?
So. It took me awhile to grow up in college and I didn't really become a serious student until my junior year (yeah.. i know. oops). Anyway, I had a 2.8 at the beginning of my junior year and since then have really excelled. I have since had a 3.4, 3.7, and 3.5 in subsequent semesters bringing my overall GPA to almost a 3.2. I know this isn't very high, but I also scored a 171 on my LSATs. I wish that I could go back and change my first two years of college, but I can't so here I am... I went to a fairly difficult school for undergrad (University of Michigan) and I really want to get into a good law school. Is it still possible for me to get into a place like NYU, Colombia or Boston University? If not, could you help me think of some well-known schools to apply at? oh and I double majored and have a minor as well.. (don't know if that makes a difference or not)
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
I believe you will have a shot. Thanks Bill
2 :
The only way you will know for sure is to try. I've seen people that were such poor students that they coppied off of me get into some fine grad schools. UM has a good engineering school & is well thought of in the science fields (I often recruited grads there), but I'm not knowledable about their other fields... though I've heard good things about their academics in general. I say play up your final 2 years to indicate how you've matured, & remember GPA is only part of what they look at. If possible, visit some of the universities you wish to apply to and speak to some grad students & some of the proffs. You may have a proff there at UM that can give you some good pointers or better yet, knows people at a school you wish to apply to.
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Saturday, December 28, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Unmarried Visa enquiry - what legal documents are there that can help to prove we've been living together?
Unmarried Visa enquiry - what legal documents are there that can help to prove we've been living together?
My girlfriend and I first met at the start of our college course last year in early September. She had already been here studying for two years and her current student visa (her 2nd one consecutively) runs out in October 2010 - our course ends in July 2010. After a month of dating I began to live with her. Soon after, I moved out of my current abode and in with her. The Landlord was private and we lived in her house. We have a contract with both our names on, but is this contract "official" enough to pass the test as it's not from an estate agent and there is no other record that I can think of? We have since moved on to a new address, again a private landlord. So by the end of next year we would have been living together for 2 years. We both intend to go to University in England, most likely London, obviously things would be a lot easier for both of us if she had an Unmarried Partner visa rather than yet another Student Visa. My current landlord has printed out a piece of paper stating that we live at the address and so if we both sign it, is that then a legally recognised document (good enough for the Home Office preferably) or is there another avenue we should take? The rent we pay is all inclusive so there are no Utilities to prove our residence here though the bank has my new address. The enquiry is with regard to applying for an Unmarried Visa and requirements are that I have been living with my partner together for at least two years and must be able to prove it. Our intention is to live in Colombia next year for around 6 months. What shall we do to prepare for providing evidence of this to add towards our application? Thanks for taking a look!
Immigration - 1 Answers
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1 :
The following is from common-law partners applying to immigrate to Canada - but I am sure this list is just as valid anywhere for proof. You just need to find out the details required for the country you are moving to. Columbia is a catholic country - they may not accept common-law couples. You are a common-law partner—either of the opposite sex or same sex—if: You have been living together in a conjugal relationship for at least one year in a continuous 12-month period that was not interrupted. (You are allowed short absences for business travel or family reasons, however.) You will need proof that you and your common-law partner have combined your affairs and set up a household together. This can be in the form of: joint bank accounts or credit cards joint ownership of a home joint residential leases joint rental receipts joint utilities (electricity, gas, telephone) joint management of household expenses proof of joint purchases, especially for household items or mail addressed to either person or both people at the same address.
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My girlfriend and I first met at the start of our college course last year in early September. She had already been here studying for two years and her current student visa (her 2nd one consecutively) runs out in October 2010 - our course ends in July 2010. After a month of dating I began to live with her. Soon after, I moved out of my current abode and in with her. The Landlord was private and we lived in her house. We have a contract with both our names on, but is this contract "official" enough to pass the test as it's not from an estate agent and there is no other record that I can think of? We have since moved on to a new address, again a private landlord. So by the end of next year we would have been living together for 2 years. We both intend to go to University in England, most likely London, obviously things would be a lot easier for both of us if she had an Unmarried Partner visa rather than yet another Student Visa. My current landlord has printed out a piece of paper stating that we live at the address and so if we both sign it, is that then a legally recognised document (good enough for the Home Office preferably) or is there another avenue we should take? The rent we pay is all inclusive so there are no Utilities to prove our residence here though the bank has my new address. The enquiry is with regard to applying for an Unmarried Visa and requirements are that I have been living with my partner together for at least two years and must be able to prove it. Our intention is to live in Colombia next year for around 6 months. What shall we do to prepare for providing evidence of this to add towards our application? Thanks for taking a look!
Immigration - 1 Answers
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1 :
The following is from common-law partners applying to immigrate to Canada - but I am sure this list is just as valid anywhere for proof. You just need to find out the details required for the country you are moving to. Columbia is a catholic country - they may not accept common-law couples. You are a common-law partner—either of the opposite sex or same sex—if: You have been living together in a conjugal relationship for at least one year in a continuous 12-month period that was not interrupted. (You are allowed short absences for business travel or family reasons, however.) You will need proof that you and your common-law partner have combined your affairs and set up a household together. This can be in the form of: joint bank accounts or credit cards joint ownership of a home joint residential leases joint rental receipts joint utilities (electricity, gas, telephone) joint management of household expenses proof of joint purchases, especially for household items or mail addressed to either person or both people at the same address.
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Saturday, December 7, 2013
What are my chances of being admitted to Columbia University?
What are my chances of being admitted to Columbia University?
So I live and was born in Colombia, South America. I've always wanted to go to Columbia. I'm a senior in my school. I want to know what my real chances are. I got a letter inviting me to apply to Columbia, and I was so excited. My SAT scores have been: 690 CR 620 Math SAT II: Spanish: 800 Math: 610. I am one of the top five students in my class. I took IBT TOEFL and got 116 out of 120. I'm student council vice president. I'm into Model UN, I've been awarded several times as a delegate, I have been secretary general and chair. I write for my school newspaper. I have been class president twice. I speak French fluently and English very fluently and Spanish is my native tongue. I used to do community service, and even helped found a social awareness club in my school. I've been invited to woman empowerment forums where I've written awarded essays. I know my test scores are underneath what they usually take in. But I believe I have good extracurricular activities. What do you think? Also I work as a summer camp counselor in the US. And I sent a very good recommendation letter from the camp director.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
i think you might have a chance! good luck!
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Sunday, December 1, 2013
Will I lose my mind?, I feel my mind racing. Help please!?
Will I lose my mind?, I feel my mind racing. Help please!?
I feel that my mind is racing most of the time, there are so many things in my mind that I feel like I am going to lose it. I have problems sleeping and I have been overeating. I am going to write a short list. I need help, please. -I am incredibly worried about my future. I will graduate in September 2010 and I've had so many plans my entire like and I feel like I won't be able to fulfill them. My dream has been to always do my master's abroad as soon as I graduate. I was sure it was going to be a piece of cake to find a scholarship and it is very complicated and there is no way I fill be able to afford it. -In order to achieve the previous point I have devoted myself to be a great student, my GPA is 4.3/5.0, but I don't have much of a life besides studying. Most of the time I am wondering if I am not wasting my youth, I am 21. -I will attend the University of Oklahoma as an exchange student next semester and I am not 100% sure that I made the right. I am afraid all of it will end up being a nightmare and a mistake. My parents will do a huge effort to send me there and I don't want to be wrong. -The Killers are FINALLY coming to my hometown, Bogota, Colombia on November 15th, but I won't be here. I need help please, I feel like I am going to have a nervous breakdown. I feel like I don't have anyone I can talk to because no one has been taking me seriously lately. Thanks1
Mental Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
OK the answer is you are making yourself crazy with this problem. You need to let it go for your own sake and seek medical help as soon as possible.
2 :
Well it sounds like you are having exactly the same sorts of problems I was having a couple of years ago. Basically racing thoughts, anxiety, repetitive thoughts, overeating, difficulties getting to sleep on time. A Chinese traditional medical doctor was able to help me out. I had to do an eye rotation exercise, ensure that I was getting to bed on time (so I could get to sleep by 11pm at latest), and taking an herbal medicine called Gui Pi Wan. His simple explanation to me was that thinking in a driven manner taxes the body just like excessive anger. In this case, when the system that regulates stress from thinking too much gets over taxed you start suffering from excessive anxiety and over eating. Another supporting piece of evidence was that my tongue had some ridges/scalloping around its edge from being slightly swollen. The eye exercise was rotate the eyes 20 times clockwise, then 20 times counter clockwise. Keep the head stationary. Afterwards straighten your neck and tuck your chin in and look straight ahead. The Chinese herbal medicine I took was called Gui Pi Wan. Its fairly cheap, the brand does not seem to matter, and you can buy it online. I was supposed to take around 12 of the small pills in the morning (at least a half hour before eating) and 12 in the evening (before going to sleep) with warm water. You can also massage the inside of your shins from the ankle to the knees. This helps with the condition over time. In my case the massage was pretty uncomfortable at the start. I was supposed to be disciplined and be asleep by 11 pm at latest. I was supposed to avoid sleep during the day if possible (15 min naps were Ok). Also, don't eat sweet fatty foods or sugary foods in general. I tended to crave them when I had the condition, and it actually exacerbates it. Even diet colas were bad since its the sweetness that exacerbates the condition. It would probably be best if you actually got diagnosed by a TCM practitioner before taking he herbs. In Chinese medical terms I was treated for "Spleen dampness caused by over thinking". Another alternative (not as effective) is to eat Lychee fruit when you want anything sweet. It is one of the main ingredients in Gui Pi Wan and even though its sweet, it helps with the condition (I don't know why). I started feeling better after around a week and was pretty much ok after a month. If you would rather work with western medicine you could go to your student health center and they might be able to get you a sleep aid or anti-anxiety medication.
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I feel that my mind is racing most of the time, there are so many things in my mind that I feel like I am going to lose it. I have problems sleeping and I have been overeating. I am going to write a short list. I need help, please. -I am incredibly worried about my future. I will graduate in September 2010 and I've had so many plans my entire like and I feel like I won't be able to fulfill them. My dream has been to always do my master's abroad as soon as I graduate. I was sure it was going to be a piece of cake to find a scholarship and it is very complicated and there is no way I fill be able to afford it. -In order to achieve the previous point I have devoted myself to be a great student, my GPA is 4.3/5.0, but I don't have much of a life besides studying. Most of the time I am wondering if I am not wasting my youth, I am 21. -I will attend the University of Oklahoma as an exchange student next semester and I am not 100% sure that I made the right. I am afraid all of it will end up being a nightmare and a mistake. My parents will do a huge effort to send me there and I don't want to be wrong. -The Killers are FINALLY coming to my hometown, Bogota, Colombia on November 15th, but I won't be here. I need help please, I feel like I am going to have a nervous breakdown. I feel like I don't have anyone I can talk to because no one has been taking me seriously lately. Thanks1
Mental Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
OK the answer is you are making yourself crazy with this problem. You need to let it go for your own sake and seek medical help as soon as possible.
2 :
Well it sounds like you are having exactly the same sorts of problems I was having a couple of years ago. Basically racing thoughts, anxiety, repetitive thoughts, overeating, difficulties getting to sleep on time. A Chinese traditional medical doctor was able to help me out. I had to do an eye rotation exercise, ensure that I was getting to bed on time (so I could get to sleep by 11pm at latest), and taking an herbal medicine called Gui Pi Wan. His simple explanation to me was that thinking in a driven manner taxes the body just like excessive anger. In this case, when the system that regulates stress from thinking too much gets over taxed you start suffering from excessive anxiety and over eating. Another supporting piece of evidence was that my tongue had some ridges/scalloping around its edge from being slightly swollen. The eye exercise was rotate the eyes 20 times clockwise, then 20 times counter clockwise. Keep the head stationary. Afterwards straighten your neck and tuck your chin in and look straight ahead. The Chinese herbal medicine I took was called Gui Pi Wan. Its fairly cheap, the brand does not seem to matter, and you can buy it online. I was supposed to take around 12 of the small pills in the morning (at least a half hour before eating) and 12 in the evening (before going to sleep) with warm water. You can also massage the inside of your shins from the ankle to the knees. This helps with the condition over time. In my case the massage was pretty uncomfortable at the start. I was supposed to be disciplined and be asleep by 11 pm at latest. I was supposed to avoid sleep during the day if possible (15 min naps were Ok). Also, don't eat sweet fatty foods or sugary foods in general. I tended to crave them when I had the condition, and it actually exacerbates it. Even diet colas were bad since its the sweetness that exacerbates the condition. It would probably be best if you actually got diagnosed by a TCM practitioner before taking he herbs. In Chinese medical terms I was treated for "Spleen dampness caused by over thinking". Another alternative (not as effective) is to eat Lychee fruit when you want anything sweet. It is one of the main ingredients in Gui Pi Wan and even though its sweet, it helps with the condition (I don't know why). I started feeling better after around a week and was pretty much ok after a month. If you would rather work with western medicine you could go to your student health center and they might be able to get you a sleep aid or anti-anxiety medication.
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Thursday, November 28, 2013
Studying In The States.?
Studying In The States.?
I was wondering, being a UK student, what qualifications do I need, to be able to study at a US university? I am currently in my first year of doing A-Levels, do US universities accept this qualification? I have been researching and the only thing I was able to find is that I need to take the SATs. I may possibly need to take the TOEFL but as I have been undertaking atleast 3years of an English education I may not need this, also it is my native language. Also, I was wondering roughly how much per year does tuition cost: both public and private? I understand it varies depending on which university I intend to go to but some of the ones which I have been looking at are, to persue a undergraduate course in Legal Studies: Boston University Baldwin Wallace College NYU Colombia Law School Bates College Maine University UMass Amherst Yes, I also understand that studying abroad can be expensive and so forth as the majority of the US universities don't offer any financial aid programs or loans to International students. I would like to study in the eastern part of USA, any other suggestions on universities will be much appreciated :) Thankyou for any replies in advance :)
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
You need to check the particular websites of the universities. Different universities have different norms.
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I was wondering, being a UK student, what qualifications do I need, to be able to study at a US university? I am currently in my first year of doing A-Levels, do US universities accept this qualification? I have been researching and the only thing I was able to find is that I need to take the SATs. I may possibly need to take the TOEFL but as I have been undertaking atleast 3years of an English education I may not need this, also it is my native language. Also, I was wondering roughly how much per year does tuition cost: both public and private? I understand it varies depending on which university I intend to go to but some of the ones which I have been looking at are, to persue a undergraduate course in Legal Studies: Boston University Baldwin Wallace College NYU Colombia Law School Bates College Maine University UMass Amherst Yes, I also understand that studying abroad can be expensive and so forth as the majority of the US universities don't offer any financial aid programs or loans to International students. I would like to study in the eastern part of USA, any other suggestions on universities will be much appreciated :) Thankyou for any replies in advance :)
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
You need to check the particular websites of the universities. Different universities have different norms.
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Thursday, November 14, 2013
For experts in UK immigration experts?
For experts in UK immigration experts?
Hello, and I've reached the age where college is now in my sights, and I have a few questions regarding immigration. I would highly like to attend business school in the UK as an undergrad. I am an American citizen (Naturalized, born in Colombia). I was wondering how I could obtain a visa and then permanent residency, as I hope to live and work in the UK. With a Student visa, could I legally work (Which is obviously essential in college)? If the answer to the previous question is no, how could I get legal work, can I get another visa on top of a student one at the same time? How long is the "visa term"? Is it easy to renew a visa? How do I become a resident, and then citizen? -Please don't bother with things like "Why leave the greatest country ever?" or "Why not study in the US", which I've been told on more than one occasion. I've already made my mind. -First answer that clearly answers my question wins. Thanks.
Immigration - 2 Answers
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1 :
Wowww. Even British people can't get their hands on education in the UK as all vacancies have been taken by the infestation of Muslims which have come from Pakistan. And if you want to go Uni, the gov have just changed fee's to £9000 A YEAR.
2 :
You need a Tier 4 (general student) immigration application. A Tier 4 visa allows you to attend university and work up to 20 hours per week in the UK. Entering the UK under this type of visa does not, however, grant you any rights to residence there. You have to renew your visa annually since Tier 4 usually allows you no more than 12 months at a time. In order to stay in the UK after finishing your studies you have to apply for Tier 1 visa (post-study worker). If your application is successful you will be allowed to look for work during the time you are involved in post-graduate activities such as working on your thesis. Tier 1 allows you to legally remain in the UK for two more years. Eventually, if things go to plan you will receive a job offer and obtain a work permit. From this point on the clock begins ticking towards receiving Indefinite Leave to Remain (IRL), which is basically permanent residency. ILR does not bestow citizenship but lets you live and work in the UK without a further time limit on your stay. ILR is granted only after you reside in the UK for five years (time spent at university and post-study does NOT count). One year after receiving ILR you can apply for naturalisation as a British citizen. So, it's a long and difficult process to attain British citizenship if you are not from Europe and don't have any family ties to the UK.
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Hello, and I've reached the age where college is now in my sights, and I have a few questions regarding immigration. I would highly like to attend business school in the UK as an undergrad. I am an American citizen (Naturalized, born in Colombia). I was wondering how I could obtain a visa and then permanent residency, as I hope to live and work in the UK. With a Student visa, could I legally work (Which is obviously essential in college)? If the answer to the previous question is no, how could I get legal work, can I get another visa on top of a student one at the same time? How long is the "visa term"? Is it easy to renew a visa? How do I become a resident, and then citizen? -Please don't bother with things like "Why leave the greatest country ever?" or "Why not study in the US", which I've been told on more than one occasion. I've already made my mind. -First answer that clearly answers my question wins. Thanks.
Immigration - 2 Answers
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1 :
Wowww. Even British people can't get their hands on education in the UK as all vacancies have been taken by the infestation of Muslims which have come from Pakistan. And if you want to go Uni, the gov have just changed fee's to £9000 A YEAR.
2 :
You need a Tier 4 (general student) immigration application. A Tier 4 visa allows you to attend university and work up to 20 hours per week in the UK. Entering the UK under this type of visa does not, however, grant you any rights to residence there. You have to renew your visa annually since Tier 4 usually allows you no more than 12 months at a time. In order to stay in the UK after finishing your studies you have to apply for Tier 1 visa (post-study worker). If your application is successful you will be allowed to look for work during the time you are involved in post-graduate activities such as working on your thesis. Tier 1 allows you to legally remain in the UK for two more years. Eventually, if things go to plan you will receive a job offer and obtain a work permit. From this point on the clock begins ticking towards receiving Indefinite Leave to Remain (IRL), which is basically permanent residency. ILR does not bestow citizenship but lets you live and work in the UK without a further time limit on your stay. ILR is granted only after you reside in the UK for five years (time spent at university and post-study does NOT count). One year after receiving ILR you can apply for naturalisation as a British citizen. So, it's a long and difficult process to attain British citizenship if you are not from Europe and don't have any family ties to the UK.
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Thursday, November 7, 2013
Boarding Schools in USA?
Boarding Schools in USA?
Hi, I would like to know which are the probabilities of me going to a boarding school in the united states. I'm from colombia and am currently going to start 8th grade in a private school. I will really like to go to a boarding school like hotchkiss, deerfield, choate, exeter or andover, but i've been told they are really hard to get in. i'm a straight A student and part of national junior honor society and i speak fluent english (and spanish, obviously), but i really don't know how accepting these schools can be. I've reaserched i need to to take the SSAT and get a good grade, but how many international students do these schools choose? thanks best answer gets 10 points:)
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
i am trying out for exeter too for next year. Honestly its not that hard to get into if your a good student. You will probably have favor because you are from Columbia. SO just make sure you do amazing on your SSAT and if you dont do it again! You can so make it.
2 :
These boarding schools welcome good students, especially students from other countries.
3 :
If you are outstanding academically, have great recommendations, some activity that you excel in, and are not seeking financial aid, then your chances are better than someone from the US with a similar profile. While there are many international applicants from Korea and China, there are not many from Columbia, so this will help you. When you are applying to very competitive schools, what is hard to understand is that the majority of applicants qualify for admission. If you want to go to boarding school next year, my suggestion is add a few more schools that you would be happy to attend that are not quite as competitive as the schools you selected. Of course, you still have chances at these very competitive schools, but acceptance is not certain. You can find the % of international students at Double check this % with the schools on your list because sometimes the numbers on this website are not accurate or not updated. Of the schools you list, I think Hotchkiss has around 20% international. Many boarding schools are around 10% international. Aside from boardingschoolreview, other useful websites are and For a wealth of information and misinformation, you can read this discussion board Your parents might consider hiring an educational consultant to help you select appropriate back-up schools to the very competitive schools you have selected. You can find consultants here Find someone who specializes in secondary school placement, and not college placement or therapeutic school placement. Good luck!
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Friday, November 1, 2013
Why should we waste resources deporting people like these when they could be asset's to America?
Why should we waste resources deporting people like these when they could be asset's to America?
"My name is Dan, I’m 20 years old and I currently live in Florida. I was born in Colombia and came to the U.S. on a tourist visa at the age of 11. At the time I thought I was just taking a vacation and visiting my relatives that had been living here, legally, for many years. My intention was to try and think about something other than the great tragedy I had suffered just 2 weeks before. It turns that going back was not an option because there would be nobody there waiting for me. My father died 2 weeks before I came here and my mother had died 3 years prior to that when I was 8. The only family I had left was my sister who is 5 years older than me. I needed someone to look after me, and that someone was a permanent resident living here for many years. She was my aunt but she has now become a like a mother to me. Because of technicalities I wasn’t able to adjust my status and I am the only member of my family without legal status. I am a part-time college student majoring in Finance and I have a 4.0 GPA. I wish I could go to school full time but because Florida charges me as an Out-of-State student, I have to pay close to $1000 per class at a community college. Therefore one or two classes is all I can afford. I’ve had to turn down scholarships and job offers due to my status. I often find my self lying to my closest friends every time they ask me about my life. Why don’t I have a job, car, or even a license. How come your not going to school full time? It’s frustrating not being able to just let it all out but I’m afraid they won’t understand since they never had to go through what I’m going right now. I am not asking for a handout. All I want is the opportunity to earn the things that I want, make my dreams come true and to be able to give back to my community and this country which I consider my own." @ rocket- currently there is no line for kids like dan to get in, the DREAM act would create a line.
Immigration - 15 Answers
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1 :
the knights that go nee
2 :
Because they might have "terror babies"? (sarcastic snort here) Seriously, I agree that we should open our hearts to those seeking a better life.
3 :
Get in line. You've been here long enough to know that. You put a nice sounding story out there but at its core, its deepest truth: you are illegal, and probably committing fraud, and are therefore a criminal. Don't be in denial about the deep truth, Evelyn, Dan or whoever name or identity you are using
4 :
What technicality's? sounds as if you should be able to apply for legal residency. I'd really look into that. something doesn't sound right
5 :
Because the US alone has some bright students that have no opportunities ! I have paid for your studies thus far ! Yes I have with my taxes money yet some unfortunate US citizen cannot get the right education either ! Please don't cry me a river I know many who are worse off than you. After all there is some Justice you cannot go further.
6 :
Fake story ..written by a not that good journalist ... but certainly not a 20 year old
7 :
I'd rather spend money to deport rather than asking the tax-payer to send them food stamps, or the consumer to pay their medical bills. (this would be more cost effective). Also, as we already have enough home grown criminals, we do not need to import criminals such as "drug gangs" from Mexico. People need to respect our laws and be properly screened before being granted legal status, so that we do not hurt the existing citizens of our nation or import terrorist & drug gangs.
8 :
because you are one person here illegal.. and that doesn't make it the common or even the reason to change the law... look at theft.. i am sure there are some thieves who's only reason for theft is to provide food for hungry children.. or care for the sick.. does that mean we should make theft legal?? some people that cross our borders illegally do so in an effort to engage in theft, terrorist, and the smuggling of drugs, even kidnapping... as long as the benefit of those that crossed the border illegally outweighed the cost and risks of career criminals that do so.. we could allow it. However, that line has been crossed. now the danger to our people outweighs the gain... and so we must change the policy and secure our borders.
9 :
Stories like that are the reason the DREAM Act is the only pending piece of immigration legislation that makes any sense. If we all agree that lack of education is one of the major problems with having millions of illegal migrants here, this should be a no-brainer, especially considering that most of these kids were not complicit in their parents' criminal entry into the country. Unfortunately too many activists are painting the DREAM Act as a stepping stone toward total amnesty instead of as a very limited program meant to reward only the most useful potential tax-payers. Under those circumstances it will never pass because while an illegal college grad will someday contribute a lot to the tax base, an uneducated day laborer never will, legal or not. As long as the unskilled masses are trying to link their fates to the few illegals with the chops to actually get into university we can't afford to give anyone a break.
10 :
You could have changed your status when you turned 18 and 6 months. Now is too late as you decided to stay illegal as an adult. Your fault not anyone else. There are legal immigrants who cannot afford college and your story is just that a story among many.
11 :
dan, in Dallas county texas alone we had 11,071 mexican babies born and 60,000 in Texas in 2009 that I the taxpayer had to pay for not to mention I will have to support the education of these illegal mexican babies through my exhoribant property taxes. the chickens will come home to roost eventually and the American will rise up and put an end to these madness.
12 :
This question is similar to your questions about the Dream Act.Just because there are many young adults that are intelligent and are doing their best,it does not mean that their status in the US be adjusted.There are countless legal people just like him here in the US that dont get the opportunity to be their best do to financial limitations.They dont have any help from their parents due to many factors.The so called middle class Americans are the most abused in this,they dont make enough money to send their child to college and yet they make too much money for government help...Who do you think should have the legal right to go to college in this nation?Our state universities are built and funded by taxpayers private universities are founded and built by endowments and donations. Why should an illegal alien be entitled to a "free" higher education ? They already get K-12 for free.Why do you expect sympathy for any one that is illegal in this nation.? Why didn't his relatives here ,apply for him to be here legally? They have had 9 years. Why didn't "Dan" try to be legal at 18 ? So now you want Americans to foot the bill for someone that didn't even try to be in the USA legally.? No not from me . There is no Dream Act it was tried three different times and it died in committee. There is no Dream Act,nor will there be.
13 :
Because people are so full of hatred that they cannot see beyond their noses
14 :
We have a lot of people that can do any job in this country. Further, their are lines for those jobs you mentioned, and they start at the post office. Take them home.. leave us alone!
15 :
Only wasted resources is the spot he is taking that should go to someone who really deserves it and not him. I feel no pity. Should have returned home before he was 181/2. and remember to put the blame of all this on who it belongs to. His parents!
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"My name is Dan, I’m 20 years old and I currently live in Florida. I was born in Colombia and came to the U.S. on a tourist visa at the age of 11. At the time I thought I was just taking a vacation and visiting my relatives that had been living here, legally, for many years. My intention was to try and think about something other than the great tragedy I had suffered just 2 weeks before. It turns that going back was not an option because there would be nobody there waiting for me. My father died 2 weeks before I came here and my mother had died 3 years prior to that when I was 8. The only family I had left was my sister who is 5 years older than me. I needed someone to look after me, and that someone was a permanent resident living here for many years. She was my aunt but she has now become a like a mother to me. Because of technicalities I wasn’t able to adjust my status and I am the only member of my family without legal status. I am a part-time college student majoring in Finance and I have a 4.0 GPA. I wish I could go to school full time but because Florida charges me as an Out-of-State student, I have to pay close to $1000 per class at a community college. Therefore one or two classes is all I can afford. I’ve had to turn down scholarships and job offers due to my status. I often find my self lying to my closest friends every time they ask me about my life. Why don’t I have a job, car, or even a license. How come your not going to school full time? It’s frustrating not being able to just let it all out but I’m afraid they won’t understand since they never had to go through what I’m going right now. I am not asking for a handout. All I want is the opportunity to earn the things that I want, make my dreams come true and to be able to give back to my community and this country which I consider my own." @ rocket- currently there is no line for kids like dan to get in, the DREAM act would create a line.
Immigration - 15 Answers
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1 :
the knights that go nee
2 :
Because they might have "terror babies"? (sarcastic snort here) Seriously, I agree that we should open our hearts to those seeking a better life.
3 :
Get in line. You've been here long enough to know that. You put a nice sounding story out there but at its core, its deepest truth: you are illegal, and probably committing fraud, and are therefore a criminal. Don't be in denial about the deep truth, Evelyn, Dan or whoever name or identity you are using
4 :
What technicality's? sounds as if you should be able to apply for legal residency. I'd really look into that. something doesn't sound right
5 :
Because the US alone has some bright students that have no opportunities ! I have paid for your studies thus far ! Yes I have with my taxes money yet some unfortunate US citizen cannot get the right education either ! Please don't cry me a river I know many who are worse off than you. After all there is some Justice you cannot go further.
6 :
Fake story ..written by a not that good journalist ... but certainly not a 20 year old
7 :
I'd rather spend money to deport rather than asking the tax-payer to send them food stamps, or the consumer to pay their medical bills. (this would be more cost effective). Also, as we already have enough home grown criminals, we do not need to import criminals such as "drug gangs" from Mexico. People need to respect our laws and be properly screened before being granted legal status, so that we do not hurt the existing citizens of our nation or import terrorist & drug gangs.
8 :
because you are one person here illegal.. and that doesn't make it the common or even the reason to change the law... look at theft.. i am sure there are some thieves who's only reason for theft is to provide food for hungry children.. or care for the sick.. does that mean we should make theft legal?? some people that cross our borders illegally do so in an effort to engage in theft, terrorist, and the smuggling of drugs, even kidnapping... as long as the benefit of those that crossed the border illegally outweighed the cost and risks of career criminals that do so.. we could allow it. However, that line has been crossed. now the danger to our people outweighs the gain... and so we must change the policy and secure our borders.
9 :
Stories like that are the reason the DREAM Act is the only pending piece of immigration legislation that makes any sense. If we all agree that lack of education is one of the major problems with having millions of illegal migrants here, this should be a no-brainer, especially considering that most of these kids were not complicit in their parents' criminal entry into the country. Unfortunately too many activists are painting the DREAM Act as a stepping stone toward total amnesty instead of as a very limited program meant to reward only the most useful potential tax-payers. Under those circumstances it will never pass because while an illegal college grad will someday contribute a lot to the tax base, an uneducated day laborer never will, legal or not. As long as the unskilled masses are trying to link their fates to the few illegals with the chops to actually get into university we can't afford to give anyone a break.
10 :
You could have changed your status when you turned 18 and 6 months. Now is too late as you decided to stay illegal as an adult. Your fault not anyone else. There are legal immigrants who cannot afford college and your story is just that a story among many.
11 :
dan, in Dallas county texas alone we had 11,071 mexican babies born and 60,000 in Texas in 2009 that I the taxpayer had to pay for not to mention I will have to support the education of these illegal mexican babies through my exhoribant property taxes. the chickens will come home to roost eventually and the American will rise up and put an end to these madness.
12 :
This question is similar to your questions about the Dream Act.Just because there are many young adults that are intelligent and are doing their best,it does not mean that their status in the US be adjusted.There are countless legal people just like him here in the US that dont get the opportunity to be their best do to financial limitations.They dont have any help from their parents due to many factors.The so called middle class Americans are the most abused in this,they dont make enough money to send their child to college and yet they make too much money for government help...Who do you think should have the legal right to go to college in this nation?Our state universities are built and funded by taxpayers private universities are founded and built by endowments and donations. Why should an illegal alien be entitled to a "free" higher education ? They already get K-12 for free.Why do you expect sympathy for any one that is illegal in this nation.? Why didn't his relatives here ,apply for him to be here legally? They have had 9 years. Why didn't "Dan" try to be legal at 18 ? So now you want Americans to foot the bill for someone that didn't even try to be in the USA legally.? No not from me . There is no Dream Act it was tried three different times and it died in committee. There is no Dream Act,nor will there be.
13 :
Because people are so full of hatred that they cannot see beyond their noses
14 :
We have a lot of people that can do any job in this country. Further, their are lines for those jobs you mentioned, and they start at the post office. Take them home.. leave us alone!
15 :
Only wasted resources is the spot he is taking that should go to someone who really deserves it and not him. I feel no pity. Should have returned home before he was 181/2. and remember to put the blame of all this on who it belongs to. His parents!
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Monday, October 28, 2013
Chances to get into Ivy League?
Chances to get into Ivy League?
I am a junior in HS and I just sent out applications to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Colombia, and NYU (safety school). GPA: 4.0 Sat Scores were Critical Reading- 720 Math-750 Writing-700 Act Scores were English-32 Reading-30 Math-34 Science-35 Varsity Sports I play Tennis-Co-Captain Swim and Dive Cheerleading-Captain Dance Team-Co-Captain Clubs I Am In French Honor Society-VP Spanish Honor Society-President Student Council-VP Literary Mag-contributor Newspaper-Editor Student Tutoring Program-Tutor Spent the summer in Africa caring for malnourished infants Also am in AP Calculus, English Lit, Biology, Physics, and Spanish. I am totally burnt out but it will be worth it if I get accepted. I'm super nervous!!!!!! Do you think I will make it??????? HELP??????????????????????????????????????????????? I went to Africa with my church SERVE ministry. I want to major in biology and then go to medical school and then become a plastic surgeon
Higher Education (University +) - 6 Answers
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1 :
If you applied to all those places, you'll probably get into at least one (not counting NYU).
2 :
holy shit! if u dont get accepted with all that then no1 will- ull at least get into 2-3 of those schools.
3 :
I sure hope you do! You have been working So hard. When do you sleep? Good Luck! I'll keep my fingers crosssed for you!!
4 :
WOW! YOU ARE AMAZING! I know there is no guarantee but you HAVE to get in to at least a few. What's your intended major? How did you do all of that stuff? It sounds impossible! If you don't get in, i don't know who will :):)
5 :
Even if you don't get into an Ivy League school, you will definitely get into a great University. But don't worry, you have great chances of getting into those schools with all those extracurriculars! But, i'm wondering, "Spent the summer in Africa caring for malnourished infants", was that a programme or did you just do it with your family or school ro something? Because if it was a programme, can you please tell me?
6 :
I think you should. Colleges like harvard and princeton are looking for a 2250 or more on the Sat so your Sat might hurt your chances a little. The fact that you spent the summer in Africa caring for malnourished infants will really make you stand out so good job.
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I am a junior in HS and I just sent out applications to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Colombia, and NYU (safety school). GPA: 4.0 Sat Scores were Critical Reading- 720 Math-750 Writing-700 Act Scores were English-32 Reading-30 Math-34 Science-35 Varsity Sports I play Tennis-Co-Captain Swim and Dive Cheerleading-Captain Dance Team-Co-Captain Clubs I Am In French Honor Society-VP Spanish Honor Society-President Student Council-VP Literary Mag-contributor Newspaper-Editor Student Tutoring Program-Tutor Spent the summer in Africa caring for malnourished infants Also am in AP Calculus, English Lit, Biology, Physics, and Spanish. I am totally burnt out but it will be worth it if I get accepted. I'm super nervous!!!!!! Do you think I will make it??????? HELP??????????????????????????????????????????????? I went to Africa with my church SERVE ministry. I want to major in biology and then go to medical school and then become a plastic surgeon
Higher Education (University +) - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you applied to all those places, you'll probably get into at least one (not counting NYU).
2 :
holy shit! if u dont get accepted with all that then no1 will- ull at least get into 2-3 of those schools.
3 :
I sure hope you do! You have been working So hard. When do you sleep? Good Luck! I'll keep my fingers crosssed for you!!
4 :
WOW! YOU ARE AMAZING! I know there is no guarantee but you HAVE to get in to at least a few. What's your intended major? How did you do all of that stuff? It sounds impossible! If you don't get in, i don't know who will :):)
5 :
Even if you don't get into an Ivy League school, you will definitely get into a great University. But don't worry, you have great chances of getting into those schools with all those extracurriculars! But, i'm wondering, "Spent the summer in Africa caring for malnourished infants", was that a programme or did you just do it with your family or school ro something? Because if it was a programme, can you please tell me?
6 :
I think you should. Colleges like harvard and princeton are looking for a 2250 or more on the Sat so your Sat might hurt your chances a little. The fact that you spent the summer in Africa caring for malnourished infants will really make you stand out so good job.
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Monday, October 14, 2013
I am considering studying abroad, which spanish speaking country and its respective city should I choose?
I am considering studying abroad, which spanish speaking country and its respective city should I choose?
I've been to Mexico several times, visiting Manzanillo, Colima, and Guadalajara, Jalisco, and Mexico City. I would rather not study in Mexico, however I did enjoy Mexico City a lot. I understand that if I wanted to learn Castillian (proper) Spanish, I should study in Spain. What are the benefits and disadvantages of learning Proper Spanish? Some countries I am interested in is Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and the Domincan Republic. Which country would present the richest culture and best student friendly/college atmosphere? I should alos mention that my career will most likely be centered around political relations in Europe and Asia.
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
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1 :
My parents are from Argentina and my Grandmother was born in Spain where the language originated. Argentines speak Castillian but if differs slightly. I would definitely suggest looking into Argentina. I lived there for a short time when I was little. The culture is amazing and so diverse, especially if you'll be in Buenos Aires. Most of the people in the city (at least when my parents were growing up) were European. There aren't many natives unless you're in some of the smaller provinces. It's a really classy city with incredible food and I can recognize an Argentine accent in a hearbeat. It's great! In general, people feel that the language is more "proper" than the Mexican language and are often offended when people in the US assume that because they speak Spanish, they must be Mexican. It's just a soar spot for everyone I've known from Argentina, Venezuela or Chile. I really do love the quality of the language.
2 :
I would also agree of those four that Argentina or Chile is the best for study abroad purposes. Colombia is an extremely dangerous place to visit do to a war that is grossly underreported and has caused the displacement of over 3 million people (with that said if this ever ends that would be my first choice without heart beat). I am wary of most Caribbean countries, because from what my native friends tell me, they only revolve around tourism. Although the Dominican Republic is a bit better there are still some serious issues with going there and you may only feel safe at a resort. In regards to your question about which country has the best atmosphere for study abroad, I have known a bunch of people who have studied abroad in Santiago, Chile and they LOVED!!!! it. However from what I've heard, Argentina is also a very good option. Don't go to Spain if you want to learn Spanish (this applies if you are an undergrad, if you are a grad student you have better chance). You will most likely go to a place that caters to students studying abroad and you will probably live with a bunch of other English speaking students. Therefore most of the language you will encounter and the people you will encounter will be English. I know a lot of people who have come back from four months studying abroad in Spain knowing less Spanish than when they left. I am not saying that applies to all of Spain study abroad, but you do have a much much much higher chance of not learning Spanish in Spain. High European culture in Chile and Spain are about equal (although they are different) they both have extremely famous artists, writers, and musicians. However if you want what is considered "native culture" Chile is a better option as Argentina is primarily European, where if you look at Chile's population most are a mix of European and indigenous people. Also the Incan empire was located partially in Chile. So actually I would probably choose Chile and do home stay! Unfortunately if you are intending to do this study abroad during the end of spring, summer or part of the fall, it will be very cold in both of those countries as it is there colder and they are not close to the Equator (in fact they have a dispute with each other over part of Antarctica.... even though legally no country can own part of Antarctica so the rest of the world is laughing) Anyway, I have been looking into study abroad in Latin America as well and I was wondering if you were considering Ecuador, because if you weren't do as that looks like a better option in my opinion than the other 2.
3 :
Well I recomend the Costa Rican spanish, is a good place to learn Spanish, is a neutral Spanish, and a very good place to travel, there are institutions and organisations that can help you, this is a good one to asking about the matter, and you can see some interesting things about Costa Rica, they have a good learning program. Best Regards
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Monday, October 7, 2013
10 year bar marriage?
10 year bar marriage?
My Girlfriend lived in the US for about 10 years under a pending political assylum case. Unfortunately this case, after a few appeals was denied. She was living in AZ with her mother and sisters. Her mother was the one who submitted the assylum application, but due to some events, she filed it a year after they had overstayed their visa. This process took over 6 years and they received their denial letter at the beginning of October, 2010. We were not given a date to leave, nor were they deported, instead the left voluntarily before any other notice was sent. She does not have a criminal background either there in Colombia, which is where she currently resides, nor in the US. On the contrary, She has never failed to file her tax forms, she was not a burden to the state, and she was an exemplary student. She was 10 years old when she entered the States under a tourist visa, then when she family and her left, she had already turned 21 years old. Our questions are the following: * Will or has she be penalized with the 10 year ban? * If so, can she file for a waiver or pardon? * Does it make a difference that she was a minor when she entered? * Will it make a difference if she states that she had to stay with her family because she was a minor? * If we get married there in Colombia, is it easier for her to be allowed back in the US? * Is it at all possible to file for a K-1 fiancee visa? * Is there any other possibility for her to apply to go back to the US? * If I does have the 10 year ban, does that affect her entrance/application process to go to another country? I really love her and want for her to be here with me. We will be sooo grateful for anyone who can give us any advice. Thank you :)
Immigration - 3 Answers
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1 :
She overstayed her visa, 10 year ban.
2 :
If she was a minor then there's no bar against her. The family left after the case was denied so there's most likely no bar against anyone in the family. You'll have to file the K-1 application, not her. It should not be a problem.
3 :
she was not deported file for the K-1 you could of course go see an Aila lawyer for a consult first
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Tuesday, October 1, 2013
can someone please help me with my diversity essay for college admissions.?
can someone please help me with my diversity essay for college admissions.?
hello I need help my college admissions essay. i have so many things to say but i have a 30 limit and at the same time I don't know how to put it together. please someone help me edit my essay give me suggestions and ideas to improve my essay. topic:As part of our mission to provide students with a liberal arts education, Georgia College & State University strives to create an atmosphere that instills in students exceptional qualities of mind and character including respect for human diversity and individuality. Viewing diversity as the characteristic of being different from those around you, please tell us how you feel you can contribute to the overall student body of Georgia College. You are encouraged to think past traditional conceptions of diversity such as race and gender. Including examples and situations that have molded you into the person you currently are is encouraged. Diversity does not have to be measured only by social class, race, or color of skin. Diversity has a greater meaning. It’s about who you really are, about people who bring new ideas, new perspectives, new passions, new talents, who are open minded ready to accept others and make a difference. Diversity is a way to express ones feelings, ideals, emotions, is a way to contribute to society with one’s uniqueness. I consider myself diverse not just by my race and culture but by my love of learning and aspirations to make a difference. One way that I help other people is by doing community service. Every summer I have been involved in some sort of community service either at my church, daycare or at a hospital. Each experience has given the opportunity to experience diversity. An experience that has really touched me has been volunteering in a hospital; in Colombia. This experience left me with a better appreciation of life and with a commitment to help those in need. I want to able to travel around the world and help as many people as I can. The Colombian experience really opened my eyes and helped me understand how fortunate I am. I have always done everything possible to help others reach their goals as well as my own, and I have learned never to be brought down by people, words, or circumstances. I’ve always strived for the best in me. Though I’ve endured many hardships the desire to never give up keeps me going. This is an attribute that I plan to bring to Georgia College and State University. I know how it feels to be a new student and how important it is to have integrity with classmates. I know the hardships one may encounter being new and I’m willing to help my future classmates and peers as well as to share my culture and expand my knowledge. i meant 300 words
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
um, sorry - "30 limit" means what exactly? because you're over both 30 words and 30 characters, and it definitely can't be 30 pages... i applied this year i think you could try varying your sentence structure? in the first 4 sentences, 3 sentences start with 'diversity.' and since i'm not sure about the limit, i don't know how much over you are... also, i think you use both 'you' and 'one,' and i think you should choose one of the two words and not switch between second and third person
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hello I need help my college admissions essay. i have so many things to say but i have a 30 limit and at the same time I don't know how to put it together. please someone help me edit my essay give me suggestions and ideas to improve my essay. topic:As part of our mission to provide students with a liberal arts education, Georgia College & State University strives to create an atmosphere that instills in students exceptional qualities of mind and character including respect for human diversity and individuality. Viewing diversity as the characteristic of being different from those around you, please tell us how you feel you can contribute to the overall student body of Georgia College. You are encouraged to think past traditional conceptions of diversity such as race and gender. Including examples and situations that have molded you into the person you currently are is encouraged. Diversity does not have to be measured only by social class, race, or color of skin. Diversity has a greater meaning. It’s about who you really are, about people who bring new ideas, new perspectives, new passions, new talents, who are open minded ready to accept others and make a difference. Diversity is a way to express ones feelings, ideals, emotions, is a way to contribute to society with one’s uniqueness. I consider myself diverse not just by my race and culture but by my love of learning and aspirations to make a difference. One way that I help other people is by doing community service. Every summer I have been involved in some sort of community service either at my church, daycare or at a hospital. Each experience has given the opportunity to experience diversity. An experience that has really touched me has been volunteering in a hospital; in Colombia. This experience left me with a better appreciation of life and with a commitment to help those in need. I want to able to travel around the world and help as many people as I can. The Colombian experience really opened my eyes and helped me understand how fortunate I am. I have always done everything possible to help others reach their goals as well as my own, and I have learned never to be brought down by people, words, or circumstances. I’ve always strived for the best in me. Though I’ve endured many hardships the desire to never give up keeps me going. This is an attribute that I plan to bring to Georgia College and State University. I know how it feels to be a new student and how important it is to have integrity with classmates. I know the hardships one may encounter being new and I’m willing to help my future classmates and peers as well as to share my culture and expand my knowledge. i meant 300 words
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
um, sorry - "30 limit" means what exactly? because you're over both 30 words and 30 characters, and it definitely can't be 30 pages... i applied this year i think you could try varying your sentence structure? in the first 4 sentences, 3 sentences start with 'diversity.' and since i'm not sure about the limit, i don't know how much over you are... also, i think you use both 'you' and 'one,' and i think you should choose one of the two words and not switch between second and third person
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Saturday, September 28, 2013
Has anyone made billions of euros from implementing loopholes?
Has anyone made billions of euros from implementing loopholes?
I hear of some friends that started online gambling sites and made millions of euros overseas (forget a 9 to 5 right) . Others I heard have taken out 200k in student loans, used the loans to open businesses in Dominican republic and colombia... (just a couple of examples) . Anyone care to share other examples or ideas ? ha Joe i wish, if i knew my great grandkids would be rich off loophole money i would do it whats a few years in a jail for a greater cause? (i actually wouldn't be caught alive anyway) but the point here is LOOPHOLE not extortion or scheme, loophole as in breaking a law that isn't made yet so you can't get in trouble for making the billions Andrew- sounds like you speak from experience thanks for the input at least its possible, my thing is the "beyond us" part of being lucky or on time enough to get connected where you have the clients, product, and income
Other - Business & Finance - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Seems like we have another Bernard Madoff in the making.
2 :
..... Im sorry i needed 2 pts to ask a question
3 :
Yes I like your way of thinking, using your intelligence to come up with creative ways to make a fortune. As the saying goes "And if it harms none, do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" To make a lot of money you could run an internet business, with a good product and millions of potential customers you could make a fortune. Good luck. Andrew
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I hear of some friends that started online gambling sites and made millions of euros overseas (forget a 9 to 5 right) . Others I heard have taken out 200k in student loans, used the loans to open businesses in Dominican republic and colombia... (just a couple of examples) . Anyone care to share other examples or ideas ? ha Joe i wish, if i knew my great grandkids would be rich off loophole money i would do it whats a few years in a jail for a greater cause? (i actually wouldn't be caught alive anyway) but the point here is LOOPHOLE not extortion or scheme, loophole as in breaking a law that isn't made yet so you can't get in trouble for making the billions Andrew- sounds like you speak from experience thanks for the input at least its possible, my thing is the "beyond us" part of being lucky or on time enough to get connected where you have the clients, product, and income
Other - Business & Finance - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Seems like we have another Bernard Madoff in the making.
2 :
..... Im sorry i needed 2 pts to ask a question
3 :
Yes I like your way of thinking, using your intelligence to come up with creative ways to make a fortune. As the saying goes "And if it harms none, do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" To make a lot of money you could run an internet business, with a good product and millions of potential customers you could make a fortune. Good luck. Andrew
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Saturday, September 14, 2013
Can you edit this paragraph in Spanish please?
Can you edit this paragraph in Spanish please?
I have done the best I can with it, and the language lab is closed during finals week so I can't get help there like I usually do. I will post the English and Spanish versions in case my translations are way off, which they sometimes are! Thanks so much for your help! I posted earlier today, but I think this one got lost among the other posts. Thanks again for your hard work. Cultura del estudiante Las presentaciones de los estudiantes eran realmente buenas. Me benefició para oÃr a otros estudiantes hablar sobre un tema que tienen gusto. Aprendà mucho sobre el alimento y la música. Pero sobre todo aprendà que la gente no es ésa diferente. El alimento que comemos puede comer diversas texturas y especias, pero todos gozamos el tener de una comida con la familia o los amigos. La música que la gente en Colombia escucha pudo tener un diverso golpe, solamente nosotros que todos gozan el escuchar y el bailar. No importa dónde una persona nace, somos más semejantes que somos diferentes. And here is what I am trying to say in English: Student Culture The presentations by the students were really good. It benefited me to hear other students speak about a subject they like. I learned a lot about food and music. But mostly I learned that people aren’t that different. The food we eat may have different textures and spices, but we all enjoy having a meal with family or friends. The music that the people in Colombia listen to might have a different beat, but we all enjoy listening and dancing. No matter where a person is born, we are more alike than we are different. You guys rock! Thanks for the quick response. :-) Javy, I like your last sentance way better than mine! It sounds really good and you were able to put it in to better words. Thanks!
Languages - 8 Answers
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1 :
it looks pretty good but it needs some spell check and revising maybe a good website is
2 :
hey i relly want to get to level 2 and im wondering if you could pick me as best awnser please Cultura del estudiante Las presentaciones de los estudiantes eran realmente buenas. Me benefició para oÃr a otros estudiantes hablar sobre un tema que tienen gusto. Aprendà mucho sobre el alimento y la música. Pero sobre todo aprendà que la gente no es ésa diferente. El alimento que comemos puede comer diversas texturas y especias, pero todos gozamos el tener de una comida con la familia o los amigos. La música que la gente en Colombia escucha pudo tener un diverso golpe, solamente nosotros que todos gozan el escuchar y el bailar. No importa dónde una persona nace, somos más semejantes que somos diferentes.
3 :
I think you used a translator. I may be wrong, but at the end you say a person is born. That sounds okay in english, but I still don't think it's correct. It's definitely NOT correct in spanish. The rest needs a little editing too.
4 :
Here is the translation: El estudiante Cultiva Las presentaciones por los estudiantes fueron tan bueno. Me benefició para oÃr que otros estudiantes hablan acerca de un sujeto que ellos quieren. Aprendà mucho acerca de alimento y música. Pero en su mayor parte yo aprendà que personas no son eso diferente. El alimento que comemos puede tener texturas y especias diferentes, pero todos disfrutamos de tener una comida con la familia o amigos. La música que las personas en Colombia escucha para poder tiene un golpe diferente, pero todos disfrutamos de escuchar y baile. No importa dónde una persona nace, somos más semejantes que somos diferentes.
5 :
Las presentaciones de los estudiantes FUERON realmente buenas. Me BENEFICIÉ OYENDO a otros estudiantes hablar sobre un tema que LES GUSTA. Aprendà mucho sobre COMIDA y música. Pero sobre todo aprendà que la gente no ES TAN diferente. LA COMIDA que comemos puede TENER diversas texturas y especias, pero todos DISFRUTAMOS COMER con la familia o los amigos. La música que la gente en Colombia escucha PUEDE tener un RITMO DIFERENTE, PERO TODOS DISFRUTAMOS ESCUCHAR MÚSICA Y BAILAR. No importa dónde una persona nace, somos más semejantes/ PARECIDOS (this is just another possibility) que DIFERENTES. Hope this helps
6 :
Cultúra estudiantil Las presentaciones de los estudiantes eran realmente buenas. Me benefició el oÃr a otros estudiantes hablar sobre un tema por el que sienten gusto. Aprendà mucho sobre la comida y la música. Pero sobre todo aprendà las personas no son tan diferentes entre sÃ. Los alimentos que comemos puede ser que tengan diferente textura y especias, pero todos gozamos el tener una comida con la familia o los amigos. La música que la gente en Colombia escucha puede que tenga un ritmo diferente, pero todos la disfrutamos al bailala y al escucharla. No importa en dónde nasca una persona, son más las diferencias que nos unen que las diferencias que nos alejan. I just fixed a few words ,you did a great job
7 :
Wow it's been a while haha. But I think you're confusing your "ser" and "eran". You should switch it to "fueron" in the first sentence there. And I think you need to look at some of the other verbs you're using. Like look at the differences between imperfect and past tenses.
8 :
Well, Sister, it is way too long, but let me try to help you. There are mistakes in your paragraph in Spanish. I will re-write it correctly in Spanish assuming that your one in English is correct. I find it correct. In some instances there are different ways to say or mean one and the same thing in Spanish, just as it happens in English. I have tried to keep my Spanish version literally as near as posible to your English version unless it is strictly necessary to do otherwise in order to convey your thoughts. OK? "Cultura del Estudiante Las presentaciones de los estudiantes fueron realmente buenas. Me ayudo' mucho oir a los estudiantes hablar sobre un tema que a ellos les gusta. Aprendi mucho sobre alimentacion y musica. Pero mayormente aprendi que las gentes no son tan diferentes. Los alimentos que comemos pueden tener (o "puede que tengan") distintas texturas y especias, pero todos disfrutamos una comida en familia o con amigos. La musica que escucha (u "oye") la gente de Colombia puede (o "podria") un ritmo distinto, pero todos disfrutamos de oirla y bailarla. No importa el lugar de nacimiento de una persona, nos parecemos mas unos a otros que lo que nos diferenciamos". There it goes. And believe me, I do KNOW Spanish. Friendly, Adian.
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Saturday, September 7, 2013
How do you like this essay? (VCU scholarship essay)?
How do you like this essay? (VCU scholarship essay)?
Subject: 100th page of my autobiography I listened to the lyrics. How quickly the words flew into my ears, prancing through my mind with the grace of a Cumbian dancer. “Siento algo que me mueve. Un ritmo que me hace bailar,†the beautiful voice said to me. I swayed with the crowd, fully understanding the Spanish expressions that rolled through the thick, hazy air. It was hard to believe that I was actually in Colombia, not to mention my most recent months spent traveling across the globe. The heavy smell of gasoline and rain reminded me of Richmond. I stepped out onto the terrace, glimpsing the darkening sky and ogling the palm embellished skyline. I then noticed how casually dressed everyone was, maybe I was at the wrong address. No, there were too many familiar faces here. A few people greeted me with the traditional kiss on the cheek and a quick hello. I couldn’t help but admire how rhythmically the women’s hips moved to the beat. The way the men led in a salsa dance was so powerful yet elegant. I stood along the edge of the festivities, watching the blinking strobe lights transform the shadow of movement into people and back again. Someone in the swarm of bodies snatched my arm, the flashing lights revealing to me a slender, brunette woman. It was just Marcela, a lovely girl from the island of Santa Marta. We had met years ago and she was presently my business associate as well as good friend. She towed me through the pulsing mass of dancers, clumsily shoving a few people along the way. I found myself in the center of the crowd; the lights went out and the music stopped. A tall, mustached man came out carrying what looked like a large package above his head. Once he reached Marcela, the people around me began to chant, “Feliz cumpleaños a ti, feliz cumpleaños a tiâ€. It was the Spanish translation of the Happy Birthday song. “I was supposed to be here on business,†I said laughing. She simply threw her hands up, shrugging her shoulders, as if to say “I don’t know. It wasn’t me.†We were here for our newly founded studio, K.M Photography and Design. Marcela and I had many connections throughout Colombia that were helping our business soar. When we met, Marcela was a transfer student who came from her hometown to study business at Virginia Commonwealth University. I was an optimistic freshman looking to major in graphic design. We happened to be in the same inquiry class. Marcela and I bonded immediately, even with the slight language barrier. “We can take one night off for your birthday, can’t we?†she asked charmingly. The party tonight was supposed to be a formal event concerning K.M, so my attire bore a professional feel that was unnatural in my current setting. I looked down at my stiletto heels, blushing a bit for disregarding my own birthday. “All right, but we have to make sure to send that paperwork to Mr. Rincon by Monday and to return the call from Chrome Imaging about the…†I went on, only to be cut off by Marcela’s reassuring tone. “Korrin, you know that we are weeks ahead on our paperwork and all the orders have been sent for printing. Let’s just enjoy the night!†She had always been so laid back, even hippy-like, which was very uncommon for a business major. That’s probably why we have always worked so well together, our contrasting personalities provided us with a perfect balance. A gigantic cake was presented to me with twenty-eight flickering candles. I shifted towards the towering dessert and closed my eyes, attempting to make a wish. But what else could I possibly ask for? My business was taking off splendidly, my family and friends were healthy, and I’ve never been so happy. Besides, I was much too old for this. So without a wish, I blew out every purple candle, hoping that my future would be as wonderful as my present and past.
Books & Authors - 4 Answers
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1 :
100th page of my! this really is something. I hope you are majoring in something like English because this is very well written and uber creative! i give it an A+!!
2 :
hi its me the guy who is writing 'Kronus's Revenge-The Vaegon 4",,i understand what you mean now about more description,,cause your essay is really amazing the description and detail is really fantastic,,,in my book the part i gave you is actually like a prologue or intro,,the story is really about a group of 4 who have been chosen by kronuses wife to free cronus from ZEUS,, but my four adventures soon find that so many gods try to use them to do there dirty work and it gets very interesting,,il post more of it to you,,,,, i think the way you describe stuff is what gets me,, its far to good,,,well done and thanks for liking mine as well,, ps how old do you think most good writers are,,,im 16
3 :
Wow, this is incredible. I don't even know what to say. It drew me in from the very beginning, and help my interested throughout the entire thing. It leaves me desperately wanting more; both before and after this part. Excellent job; I don't even have any constructive criticism!
4 :
Yes, well written. There are some transformational grammar issues that while quite technical, could aid you in your final draft. Remember the basic rules: Transformational grammar provides a further set of transformational rules to show that all complex sentences are formed from simple elements. These rules manipulate elements and otherwise rearrange structures to give the surface structures of sentences. Perhaps, you could change the wording: Once he reached Marcela, the people around me began to chant, “â€. It was the Spanish translation of the Happy Birthday song. Your insinuation that the "Happy Birthday Song" is of English origin could be construed as a fact-which it is not. Again, quite technical, nevertheless it should be reconsidered in the final draft. Very well done. Good Luck. s_e_s
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Subject: 100th page of my autobiography I listened to the lyrics. How quickly the words flew into my ears, prancing through my mind with the grace of a Cumbian dancer. “Siento algo que me mueve. Un ritmo que me hace bailar,†the beautiful voice said to me. I swayed with the crowd, fully understanding the Spanish expressions that rolled through the thick, hazy air. It was hard to believe that I was actually in Colombia, not to mention my most recent months spent traveling across the globe. The heavy smell of gasoline and rain reminded me of Richmond. I stepped out onto the terrace, glimpsing the darkening sky and ogling the palm embellished skyline. I then noticed how casually dressed everyone was, maybe I was at the wrong address. No, there were too many familiar faces here. A few people greeted me with the traditional kiss on the cheek and a quick hello. I couldn’t help but admire how rhythmically the women’s hips moved to the beat. The way the men led in a salsa dance was so powerful yet elegant. I stood along the edge of the festivities, watching the blinking strobe lights transform the shadow of movement into people and back again. Someone in the swarm of bodies snatched my arm, the flashing lights revealing to me a slender, brunette woman. It was just Marcela, a lovely girl from the island of Santa Marta. We had met years ago and she was presently my business associate as well as good friend. She towed me through the pulsing mass of dancers, clumsily shoving a few people along the way. I found myself in the center of the crowd; the lights went out and the music stopped. A tall, mustached man came out carrying what looked like a large package above his head. Once he reached Marcela, the people around me began to chant, “Feliz cumpleaños a ti, feliz cumpleaños a tiâ€. It was the Spanish translation of the Happy Birthday song. “I was supposed to be here on business,†I said laughing. She simply threw her hands up, shrugging her shoulders, as if to say “I don’t know. It wasn’t me.†We were here for our newly founded studio, K.M Photography and Design. Marcela and I had many connections throughout Colombia that were helping our business soar. When we met, Marcela was a transfer student who came from her hometown to study business at Virginia Commonwealth University. I was an optimistic freshman looking to major in graphic design. We happened to be in the same inquiry class. Marcela and I bonded immediately, even with the slight language barrier. “We can take one night off for your birthday, can’t we?†she asked charmingly. The party tonight was supposed to be a formal event concerning K.M, so my attire bore a professional feel that was unnatural in my current setting. I looked down at my stiletto heels, blushing a bit for disregarding my own birthday. “All right, but we have to make sure to send that paperwork to Mr. Rincon by Monday and to return the call from Chrome Imaging about the…†I went on, only to be cut off by Marcela’s reassuring tone. “Korrin, you know that we are weeks ahead on our paperwork and all the orders have been sent for printing. Let’s just enjoy the night!†She had always been so laid back, even hippy-like, which was very uncommon for a business major. That’s probably why we have always worked so well together, our contrasting personalities provided us with a perfect balance. A gigantic cake was presented to me with twenty-eight flickering candles. I shifted towards the towering dessert and closed my eyes, attempting to make a wish. But what else could I possibly ask for? My business was taking off splendidly, my family and friends were healthy, and I’ve never been so happy. Besides, I was much too old for this. So without a wish, I blew out every purple candle, hoping that my future would be as wonderful as my present and past.
Books & Authors - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
100th page of my! this really is something. I hope you are majoring in something like English because this is very well written and uber creative! i give it an A+!!
2 :
hi its me the guy who is writing 'Kronus's Revenge-The Vaegon 4",,i understand what you mean now about more description,,cause your essay is really amazing the description and detail is really fantastic,,,in my book the part i gave you is actually like a prologue or intro,,the story is really about a group of 4 who have been chosen by kronuses wife to free cronus from ZEUS,, but my four adventures soon find that so many gods try to use them to do there dirty work and it gets very interesting,,il post more of it to you,,,,, i think the way you describe stuff is what gets me,, its far to good,,,well done and thanks for liking mine as well,, ps how old do you think most good writers are,,,im 16
3 :
Wow, this is incredible. I don't even know what to say. It drew me in from the very beginning, and help my interested throughout the entire thing. It leaves me desperately wanting more; both before and after this part. Excellent job; I don't even have any constructive criticism!
4 :
Yes, well written. There are some transformational grammar issues that while quite technical, could aid you in your final draft. Remember the basic rules: Transformational grammar provides a further set of transformational rules to show that all complex sentences are formed from simple elements. These rules manipulate elements and otherwise rearrange structures to give the surface structures of sentences. Perhaps, you could change the wording: Once he reached Marcela, the people around me began to chant, “â€. It was the Spanish translation of the Happy Birthday song. Your insinuation that the "Happy Birthday Song" is of English origin could be construed as a fact-which it is not. Again, quite technical, nevertheless it should be reconsidered in the final draft. Very well done. Good Luck. s_e_s
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Sunday, September 1, 2013
Edit this paragraph in Spanish for an easy 10 points!?
Edit this paragraph in Spanish for an easy 10 points!?
I have done the best I can with it, and the language lab is closed during finals week so I can't get help there like I usually do. I will post the English and Spanish versions in case my translations are way off, which they sometimes are! Thanks so much for your help! I have a couple more paragraphs, but I will post them seperately so that I can award more points. I think it's worth it! Cultura del estudiante Las presentaciones de los estudiantes eran realmente buenas. Me benefició para oÃr a otros estudiantes hablar sobre un tema que tienen gusto. Aprendà mucho sobre el alimento y la música. Pero sobre todo aprendà que la gente no es ésa diferente. El alimento que comemos puede comer diversas texturas y especias, pero todos gozamos el tener de una comida con la familia o los amigos. La música que la gente en Colombia escucha pudo tener un diverso golpe, solamente nosotros que todos gozan el escuchar y el bailar. No importa dónde una persona nace, somos más semejantes que somos diferentes. And here is what I am trying to say in English: Student Culture The presentations by the students were really good. It benefited me to hear other students speak about a subject they like. I learned a lot about food and music. But mostly I learned that people aren’t that different. The food we eat may have different textures and spices, but we all enjoy having a meal with family or friends. The music that the people in Colombia listen to might have a different beat, but we all enjoy listening and dancing. No matter where a person is born, we are more alike than we are different.
Languages - 1 Answers
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1 :
Corrections in capitals, unnecessary words deleted with " X ." Cultura del Estudiante Las presentaciones de los estudiantes FUERON realmente buenas. Me benefició X oÃr a otros estudiantes hablar sobre un tema que LES gustA. Aprendà mucho sobre LA COMIDA y la música. Pero sobre todo, aprendà que la gente no es TAN diferente. El alimento que comemos puede TENER diversas texturas y especias, pero todos gozamos DE COMER con la familia o los amigos. La música que la gente en Colombia escucha PODRà tener un COMPÃS DIFERENTE, PERO todos gozanMOS DE escuchar y X bailar. No importa dónde una persona nace, TENEMOS más semejanZAS que X diferenCIAS.
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I have done the best I can with it, and the language lab is closed during finals week so I can't get help there like I usually do. I will post the English and Spanish versions in case my translations are way off, which they sometimes are! Thanks so much for your help! I have a couple more paragraphs, but I will post them seperately so that I can award more points. I think it's worth it! Cultura del estudiante Las presentaciones de los estudiantes eran realmente buenas. Me benefició para oÃr a otros estudiantes hablar sobre un tema que tienen gusto. Aprendà mucho sobre el alimento y la música. Pero sobre todo aprendà que la gente no es ésa diferente. El alimento que comemos puede comer diversas texturas y especias, pero todos gozamos el tener de una comida con la familia o los amigos. La música que la gente en Colombia escucha pudo tener un diverso golpe, solamente nosotros que todos gozan el escuchar y el bailar. No importa dónde una persona nace, somos más semejantes que somos diferentes. And here is what I am trying to say in English: Student Culture The presentations by the students were really good. It benefited me to hear other students speak about a subject they like. I learned a lot about food and music. But mostly I learned that people aren’t that different. The food we eat may have different textures and spices, but we all enjoy having a meal with family or friends. The music that the people in Colombia listen to might have a different beat, but we all enjoy listening and dancing. No matter where a person is born, we are more alike than we are different.
Languages - 1 Answers
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1 :
Corrections in capitals, unnecessary words deleted with " X ." Cultura del Estudiante Las presentaciones de los estudiantes FUERON realmente buenas. Me benefició X oÃr a otros estudiantes hablar sobre un tema que LES gustA. Aprendà mucho sobre LA COMIDA y la música. Pero sobre todo, aprendà que la gente no es TAN diferente. El alimento que comemos puede TENER diversas texturas y especias, pero todos gozamos DE COMER con la familia o los amigos. La música que la gente en Colombia escucha PODRà tener un COMPÃS DIFERENTE, PERO todos gozanMOS DE escuchar y X bailar. No importa dónde una persona nace, TENEMOS más semejanZAS que X diferenCIAS.
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Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Can my boyfriend obtain a visitor's visa even though he overstayed his visit when he was underaged?
Can my boyfriend obtain a visitor's visa even though he overstayed his visit when he was underaged?
My boyfriend and I met 4 years ago in high school. He and his family came to the US from Colombia in 2000 seeking residency. They were admitted for 5 years but stayed for almost 8 years waiting to hear of their status. They got tired of being in the US illegaly and went back to Colombia VOLUNTARILY. My bf was 12 when he entered and 19 when he exited- making him of legal age at the time of his exit. I've been to Colombia twice since he left and I want to know what the odds are of him being admitted another visitors visa to come visit me in Puerto Rico (US) for 2 weeks this Christmas break. He is a college student, he has a job, a house in his name, and financial support from his parents in Colombia. All of these are things which strengthen his plead. My father is also willing to either write a letter or accompany him to his embassy hearing inviting him to spend Xmas with us. But I fear that since he stayed in the US illegaly from ages 18-19 that he will be denied. Thoughts/Advice Im not talking about bringing him illegaly or commiting fraud. Applying for a visa at the consulate in Bogota is totally legal. I just wanted to know if there is even a little hope that he will ge given a visa. I heard of a man that overstayed for 5 years and was issued a 2nd visa instantly...? PS- he did not receive a letter of deportation. They decided to leave.
Immigration - 2 Answers
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1 :
He was an illegal alien for many years and he did not depart voluntarily before he turned 18. Therefore he remained in the US illegally as an adult for over a year. He and his family are all barred from re-entry, probably for 10 years. Do not make any attempt to bring him back to the US (or Puerto Rico) or "help" him in any way or you are criminally liable -- prison + fine for you &/or your father. Either find a new boyfriend or immigrate to Columbia.
2 :
Contact the embassy of the US in Bogota. Since your boyfriend is an overstay and was never deported, and he's looking to apply for a non-immigrant visa, he should simply apply for the visa at the embassy and be honest about his past overstay. The embassy will then decide if a waiver is required, which will most likely be the case; there is a waiver for non-immigrant visas that covers all cases of inadmissibility and that is handled from within the embassy. It will delay processing of the visa by a couple of months but no additional form is required. The embassy would be able to fill you in on this. The waiver exists under INA 212(d)(3) -- INA is the Immigration and Nationality Act. Here is some further reading on that topic:,0930-labrie.shtm,0830-eiss.shtm (search for 212(d)(3) on that page to find the relevant section, but read the whole thing anyway) Here is what the law says:|SLB&s_fieldSearch=foliodestination|8cfrsec2124&s_type=all&hash=0-0-0-12183|SLB&s_fieldSearch=foliodestination|act212d3&s_type=all&hash=0-0-0-2643 Better get started fast, as Christmas is only 4 months away. Like I said, start by contacting the embassy. And just to answer the question straight: yes, your boyfriend can obtain a visitor's visa.
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Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Can someone critize my paper???
Can someone critize my paper???
In my 1230 English class, I received a very unique opportunity to interview one of my peers in class. I appreciate the experience because it allows people to see people around them for what they are really worth. You never really know much about the people who are sitting around you or that you might encounter everyday until you sit down and speak with them. The peer I had the chance to interview was 15 – year old Mauricio Castro, with no relation to Fidel he told me. Now the first thing that would come to mind is, “Why is there a 15 year-old student in my college English class?†but actually he is a dual enrollee, meaning he is still in high school but he is taking some early college courses. Mauricio was born in Newark, New Jersey, and is a Colombian American. He has family residing in New Jersey, but most are in Colombia. One day in his young childhood his dad, whom worked in New York, was told he had to transfer to Miami, Florida. “Where going to live in a place called Coconut Creek, Florida,†Mauricio was told by his father. Young Mauricio was not looking forward to moving to some country suburb which he was envisioning. Upon arriving, his fears had been justified. They moved to a small suburb in Coconut Creek, just off of Wiles road and Lyons road. When they got there, it was just a small apartment community with nothing in the nearby vicinity. He had to share one small bedroom with a younger brother and sister. They soon after moved to a house in Coral Springs. When it came to taking vacations, Mauricio’s father decided to take them to Niagara Falls in New York City. The trip was such a success and everyone enjoyed it so much that they begin to travel quite often. As a family they have been all over the United States to such places as New York, California, Georgia, Nevada, Utah, Canada, and even Costa Rica and Europe. Mauricio tells me his family loves to travel, even though his younger siblings don’t actually like the trip just the destination. I asked him why they travel so much, “Mostly to see relatives and friends.†He stated. His favorite place to go is New York, partly because that’s the place they have visited the most and partly because the never sleep atmosphere. He really likes to see Niagara Falls, and has vivid descriptions that make you almost feel like you just went yourself. “They give you ponchos,†he starts off “and you walk through a small area close enough to the actual falls so that you can not only see the water but also feel the misty water almost like rain coming down on you.†He describes this area more than once so I get the idea that it’s not only his favorite but he has been there more than once. Now these trips are not just a drive straight through, point A to point B type of affair. Once they leave South Florida they stop in Tampa first, then on to St. Augustine, where they have a traditional ice cream shop they must always stop at as well as the historic district, then on to Georgia. They most of the time travel as five, but every now in then his grandmother will tag along. He told me of the trips to the canyons in the west that they have been too. Although he likes the beauty of the canyons he is somewhat taken back by the fact that the canyons don’t have any fences or guard rails to keep people from falling over. . Once when he was too young to remember, his mom told him the story about his younger brother getting to close and almost falling over. Mauricio just recalls having a bad stomach ache and not being able to fully enjoy the trip. While in Costa Rica he and his dad decided to travel up to a settlement near a local volcano where they could shop for gifts for his sister and mother. On the trip they came across a local spot where there was an eatery. What made this place so special is you where able to fish in the waters to catch your own meal and they prepared and cooked it for you while you waited. Mauricio enjoyed this not only because the fish was excellent being so fresh, but because he also got to watch his father catch there food. I asked Mauricio what made these road trips so special for him that made it different from what his siblings experienced, he told me because he got to take all kinds of pictures and he also looked for amusement parks. Mauricio loves amusement parks with plenty of heart pounding rides. They higher or faster the ride goes the better he likes it. Hershey Park, Six Flags Great Adventure, Kings Dominion, Busch Gardens, is just a few to name that he has already conquered. “What are your favorite things to bring back,†I asked him but he told me he doesn’t really have favorite things besides his pictures. He does however look forward to the visits from his family in Costa Rica, because they bring him a special chocolate bar called Jet. “Jet bars are better than Hershey’s chocolate†he exclaimed with the biggest smile. They are very small and segmented kind of like the little fun size Hershey’s bar you get for Halloween or at parties, but they bring them back in small bulk loads that consist of a few months supply. When you open the Jet bars, under the wrapper you find a collectors card that have something about the county on it. Mauricio explained how he gets the chocolate but he gives the collectors cards to his father who is trying to get them all, which would be about 500 different types that tell about things ranging from small animals to flowers and trees. He then explained, “They also bring custom made gold jewelry but that’s not important compared to those Jet bars†then just laughed it off. In traveling so much and having the possibility to see so much at such an early age, Mauricio has a real grasp on what he would like to do in life and why he chose to do so. Mauricio wants to be Photographic journalist. He believes that he can create a substantial contribution to society through his work of bringing news to people especially through photographs. He believes that if taken the correct way, a picture can truly bring about a change in a persons life or at least that person can see the truth of a situation not just what someone interrupts the truth to be for them. Mauricio also wants to follow in his father footsteps at some point in his life. His father was a tank mechanic in the United States Army, and also had the opportunity to go back packing through Europe to see what remains from World War II. Mauricio shows interest in wanting to know what went on in the not so distant history before him. Who knows maybe he can just go to photograph what was left behind.
Homework Help - 5 Answers
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1 :
2 :
i recommend you go over it again but its ok
3 :
k, well, last time i checked, Niagara falls were in upstate new york, not new york city, thats about it.
4 :
i'd say your paper is fine. you got the details and all. The actual intro was fine. your'e ok.
5 :
It sucks, you will get an F. OMG taht is the worst paper ever written and it deserves to be burned. Question said to criticize it, so i hope i helped
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In my 1230 English class, I received a very unique opportunity to interview one of my peers in class. I appreciate the experience because it allows people to see people around them for what they are really worth. You never really know much about the people who are sitting around you or that you might encounter everyday until you sit down and speak with them. The peer I had the chance to interview was 15 – year old Mauricio Castro, with no relation to Fidel he told me. Now the first thing that would come to mind is, “Why is there a 15 year-old student in my college English class?†but actually he is a dual enrollee, meaning he is still in high school but he is taking some early college courses. Mauricio was born in Newark, New Jersey, and is a Colombian American. He has family residing in New Jersey, but most are in Colombia. One day in his young childhood his dad, whom worked in New York, was told he had to transfer to Miami, Florida. “Where going to live in a place called Coconut Creek, Florida,†Mauricio was told by his father. Young Mauricio was not looking forward to moving to some country suburb which he was envisioning. Upon arriving, his fears had been justified. They moved to a small suburb in Coconut Creek, just off of Wiles road and Lyons road. When they got there, it was just a small apartment community with nothing in the nearby vicinity. He had to share one small bedroom with a younger brother and sister. They soon after moved to a house in Coral Springs. When it came to taking vacations, Mauricio’s father decided to take them to Niagara Falls in New York City. The trip was such a success and everyone enjoyed it so much that they begin to travel quite often. As a family they have been all over the United States to such places as New York, California, Georgia, Nevada, Utah, Canada, and even Costa Rica and Europe. Mauricio tells me his family loves to travel, even though his younger siblings don’t actually like the trip just the destination. I asked him why they travel so much, “Mostly to see relatives and friends.†He stated. His favorite place to go is New York, partly because that’s the place they have visited the most and partly because the never sleep atmosphere. He really likes to see Niagara Falls, and has vivid descriptions that make you almost feel like you just went yourself. “They give you ponchos,†he starts off “and you walk through a small area close enough to the actual falls so that you can not only see the water but also feel the misty water almost like rain coming down on you.†He describes this area more than once so I get the idea that it’s not only his favorite but he has been there more than once. Now these trips are not just a drive straight through, point A to point B type of affair. Once they leave South Florida they stop in Tampa first, then on to St. Augustine, where they have a traditional ice cream shop they must always stop at as well as the historic district, then on to Georgia. They most of the time travel as five, but every now in then his grandmother will tag along. He told me of the trips to the canyons in the west that they have been too. Although he likes the beauty of the canyons he is somewhat taken back by the fact that the canyons don’t have any fences or guard rails to keep people from falling over. . Once when he was too young to remember, his mom told him the story about his younger brother getting to close and almost falling over. Mauricio just recalls having a bad stomach ache and not being able to fully enjoy the trip. While in Costa Rica he and his dad decided to travel up to a settlement near a local volcano where they could shop for gifts for his sister and mother. On the trip they came across a local spot where there was an eatery. What made this place so special is you where able to fish in the waters to catch your own meal and they prepared and cooked it for you while you waited. Mauricio enjoyed this not only because the fish was excellent being so fresh, but because he also got to watch his father catch there food. I asked Mauricio what made these road trips so special for him that made it different from what his siblings experienced, he told me because he got to take all kinds of pictures and he also looked for amusement parks. Mauricio loves amusement parks with plenty of heart pounding rides. They higher or faster the ride goes the better he likes it. Hershey Park, Six Flags Great Adventure, Kings Dominion, Busch Gardens, is just a few to name that he has already conquered. “What are your favorite things to bring back,†I asked him but he told me he doesn’t really have favorite things besides his pictures. He does however look forward to the visits from his family in Costa Rica, because they bring him a special chocolate bar called Jet. “Jet bars are better than Hershey’s chocolate†he exclaimed with the biggest smile. They are very small and segmented kind of like the little fun size Hershey’s bar you get for Halloween or at parties, but they bring them back in small bulk loads that consist of a few months supply. When you open the Jet bars, under the wrapper you find a collectors card that have something about the county on it. Mauricio explained how he gets the chocolate but he gives the collectors cards to his father who is trying to get them all, which would be about 500 different types that tell about things ranging from small animals to flowers and trees. He then explained, “They also bring custom made gold jewelry but that’s not important compared to those Jet bars†then just laughed it off. In traveling so much and having the possibility to see so much at such an early age, Mauricio has a real grasp on what he would like to do in life and why he chose to do so. Mauricio wants to be Photographic journalist. He believes that he can create a substantial contribution to society through his work of bringing news to people especially through photographs. He believes that if taken the correct way, a picture can truly bring about a change in a persons life or at least that person can see the truth of a situation not just what someone interrupts the truth to be for them. Mauricio also wants to follow in his father footsteps at some point in his life. His father was a tank mechanic in the United States Army, and also had the opportunity to go back packing through Europe to see what remains from World War II. Mauricio shows interest in wanting to know what went on in the not so distant history before him. Who knows maybe he can just go to photograph what was left behind.
Homework Help - 5 Answers
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2 :
i recommend you go over it again but its ok
3 :
k, well, last time i checked, Niagara falls were in upstate new york, not new york city, thats about it.
4 :
i'd say your paper is fine. you got the details and all. The actual intro was fine. your'e ok.
5 :
It sucks, you will get an F. OMG taht is the worst paper ever written and it deserves to be burned. Question said to criticize it, so i hope i helped
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Wednesday, August 7, 2013
How should I proceed with her? (mature advice, I will answer your Q)?
How should I proceed with her? (mature advice, I will answer your Q)?
So I began meeting this girl for one-on-one Spanish conversation at a cafe two times a week. I didn't know who she was before. Now I found out she is a Masters student in music, and she has already played in symphonies in Colombia, Peru, Germany, Spain, and Israel. I am going to enter a Masters program at her university next year (not for music), but by then she will graduate, of course. Anyways, so we've had three meetings so far and I think we have a lot in common. I think both of us are interested in each other, although neither of us have "fallen" for one another (which I like). She invited me to a concert of hers in a few weeks, and I invited her to come to my house to play duet in piano with my mom. She agreed. The thing is, I really enjoy her company, but she is looking like she's going to be a world-class music player. I think her career will take her all over the world, where as mine would be more steady. So I am kind of afraid to start anything, because after this year, where will it go? How am I going to keep up with a person like her? On the other hand, the fact that she is a music player and such an accomplished one is super appealing to me. I mean, the fact that she gets invited to play in different countries as a substitute for major symphonies, while she is still in college, is saying something... I am attracted to her character. What should I do? Just keep meeting, see if we both keep developing some feelings, and just try it out? Any other advice? Thank you!
Singles & Dating - 3 Answers
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1 :
If you really like her right now I think you should just keep seeing her. There's no attachments yet. See where it goes. Give it a try. You may be surprised. Then you won't be question what could have happened.
2 :
If you let her go now, you will regret it for the rest of your life. You like her, she likes you. Her passion might take her far away, but that could be a time when you and your friends do your thing. Maybe you can even go with her and explore the world while you do it. If it doesn't work, at least your tied. My other advice, hold out and having her meet your mom.
3 :
Sounds like the feelings are mutual and you are both treading lightly...isn't love grand. Absolutely keep meeting and see if the next meeting could be more like a date. You don't have ask for a date but you can ask her to join where you do something datish, then talk. Ask questions that are not related to her music. Ask her what's her favorite place to visit and complement her outfit. See how she wants to be in the next 5 years. etc.
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So I began meeting this girl for one-on-one Spanish conversation at a cafe two times a week. I didn't know who she was before. Now I found out she is a Masters student in music, and she has already played in symphonies in Colombia, Peru, Germany, Spain, and Israel. I am going to enter a Masters program at her university next year (not for music), but by then she will graduate, of course. Anyways, so we've had three meetings so far and I think we have a lot in common. I think both of us are interested in each other, although neither of us have "fallen" for one another (which I like). She invited me to a concert of hers in a few weeks, and I invited her to come to my house to play duet in piano with my mom. She agreed. The thing is, I really enjoy her company, but she is looking like she's going to be a world-class music player. I think her career will take her all over the world, where as mine would be more steady. So I am kind of afraid to start anything, because after this year, where will it go? How am I going to keep up with a person like her? On the other hand, the fact that she is a music player and such an accomplished one is super appealing to me. I mean, the fact that she gets invited to play in different countries as a substitute for major symphonies, while she is still in college, is saying something... I am attracted to her character. What should I do? Just keep meeting, see if we both keep developing some feelings, and just try it out? Any other advice? Thank you!
Singles & Dating - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you really like her right now I think you should just keep seeing her. There's no attachments yet. See where it goes. Give it a try. You may be surprised. Then you won't be question what could have happened.
2 :
If you let her go now, you will regret it for the rest of your life. You like her, she likes you. Her passion might take her far away, but that could be a time when you and your friends do your thing. Maybe you can even go with her and explore the world while you do it. If it doesn't work, at least your tied. My other advice, hold out and having her meet your mom.
3 :
Sounds like the feelings are mutual and you are both treading lightly...isn't love grand. Absolutely keep meeting and see if the next meeting could be more like a date. You don't have ask for a date but you can ask her to join where you do something datish, then talk. Ask questions that are not related to her music. Ask her what's her favorite place to visit and complement her outfit. See how she wants to be in the next 5 years. etc.
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Thursday, August 1, 2013
please any input or suggestion would help. girlfriend from different country?
please any input or suggestion would help. girlfriend from different country?
i have a girlfriend from colombia with me now in san diego. she's currently an international student for english with limited time. she has 2 years left in university in colombia for social communications, can something like that transfer to a US university? or find a job relating to that degree? we're very serious about eachother, and don't want to just say goodbye. I'm trying to explore any options out there that will allow us to be together somehow. I don't think me going to colombia is an option because i barely speak spanish. she's on F1 visa. yea, I guess I could marry and have her stay but just figuring out what she would do, it would be a waste of all the time put into university, she would need to do something professionally...hmm
Immigration - 3 Answers
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You have to go and look for an H1B visa for something like that. I don't even know what social communications is. But you can go to Colombia...just take an immersion course and live with a family that doesn't speak English. I did it one summer in college, and I was speaking Spanish after 6 weeks.
2 :
I am guessing she is on a J-1 Exchange program. She may be able to transfer to a U.S. university on an F-1 visa, if the university will accept her and she meets all the other requirements. You do need to be careful, though, if her J-1 visa is under the two year rule (called 212(e)). If that's the case, she can't change from student status to a work visa or permanent resident (even by marrying you) without going back to Colombia for two years first. The visa should say on it whether 212(e)/two year rule does or does not apply. If it's not a J-1 visa (but an F-1, for example), then don't worry about it.
3 :
Marry her then to keep her in the US ..if you are an American citizen
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Sunday, July 28, 2013
Urgent!! Young Colombian lady stranded in Ukraine?
Urgent!! Young Colombian lady stranded in Ukraine?
There is a young lady from Colombia who went two years ago to study in Ukraine. She received a student visa to study there. She was able to travel through Madrid's airport in Spain with no problem. Now her family ran out of money and she needs to return to Colombia. Her problem is that her visa expires in 9 days and she is has been told that she cannot return with that visa alone, that she needs a Transit Visa. Since she will be travelling through Paris airport, she has been trying to contact the Consulate of France in Kiev, Ukraine and they never answer the phone. She lives far away from Kiev at 13 hours by train. Can someone tells me if she really needs that Transit Visa from the Consulate of France or what would happen if she just buy the plane ticket and try to travel with the student visa she has? In case of doubts, this is not a scam. I am in Orlando, Florida and the young Colombian lady in Ukraine is a niece of a friend of mine's wife. Also, she is not asking for money. All we want to know if she can buy a ticket to travel to Colombia and use her student visa to travel through Paris airport. We also want to know if the Transit Visa applies to her situation.
Embassies & Consulates - 4 Answers
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Hopefully shes not asking you for "Money" - I always hear about these on-line scams where all they need is just a little money and everything will be just fine! the reason I say this is most of the scams are coming out of Ukraine .
2 :
She has to remain in the transit lounge under the supervision of authorities while she waits for her connecting flight. She cannot leave a secured airport transit area without a transit visa. With close plane connections, she doesn't have time (and apparently she certainly does not have the money) to go to the airport's shopping concourse, leave the airport, etc., anyway!
3 :
The girl would not need a visa to connect to a flight in Paris airport or any other for that matter. When she arrives at the Paris airport, she will be in the secure customs area, where she will remain when connecting to another flight. The only reason she would need a visa is if she were to leave the airport. There will be restaurants, shops, etc available in this area as well to comfort passengers waiting for their flights. Theoretically you could travel around the world with no visa if you never left the secure customs areas of each airport.
4 :
I think she need call to France embassy in Ukraine and ask about it, here you'll find it address: hope it'll help her...
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Sunday, July 14, 2013
multicultural school project?
multicultural school project?
I have a multicultural school project in a college course I am taking. My group needs to talk in front of class for 45 minutes. We are having a hard time figuring out a creative way to blend all 6 students cultures into one dynamic subject. I was hoping someone here would have a idea. Any help would be appreciated. Were trying to find a way to blend Argentina, Germany, Haiti, England, Jamaica, and Colombia.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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i say blend them by talking about the country's dealing together like the presidents of the country's going and visiting the prime minister or supreme power... thats a tough project.... anyway its just a thought
2 :
What about traditional music, dress, or food of the countries? You could have the students in the class guess where they are from.
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I have a multicultural school project in a college course I am taking. My group needs to talk in front of class for 45 minutes. We are having a hard time figuring out a creative way to blend all 6 students cultures into one dynamic subject. I was hoping someone here would have a idea. Any help would be appreciated. Were trying to find a way to blend Argentina, Germany, Haiti, England, Jamaica, and Colombia.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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i say blend them by talking about the country's dealing together like the presidents of the country's going and visiting the prime minister or supreme power... thats a tough project.... anyway its just a thought
2 :
What about traditional music, dress, or food of the countries? You could have the students in the class guess where they are from.
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Sunday, July 7, 2013
Where can I find a room close to USF(Tampa,Fl) in a host family house?
Where can I find a room close to USF(Tampa,Fl) in a host family house?
I´m from Colombia and I´ll be studying at USF (University of South Florida-Tampa,Fl) this fall 2011. I´m interested to have a cultural and language experience with an American Family close to the university. I´am 19 years old, and I´m a graphic design student in 5th semester at the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia. I plan to be there from July to December 2011, basically for just 1 semester, and I´m pretty sure I wont have classes everyday so I could help with houseworks and everything the family may need. If you are interested or if you know somebody could be interested, please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks !
Other - United States - 2 Answers
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I suggest you check the college employment office and the college housing office. Those are the two places that kind of situation would be listed.
2 :
USF has an office for international students. Here is the web-site: If your school works with USF on a student exchange program, then your own school should be able to help you find a host family. If not, contact the USF foreign affairs office. If there is a local registry for host families, they will be able to direct you to the correct people. However, when I lived on campus, I frequently had foreign exchange students staying in my dorms. The foreign exchange students were not kept with host families, but were placed on campus. This way, they had exposure to local students, and local culture, and lived with students who were studying the same subjects as them. Living on campus may give you the cultural immersion you are looking for.
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Monday, July 1, 2013
Why do they keep on asking me for Proof of English Proficiency?
Why do they keep on asking me for Proof of English Proficiency?
So for all of the seven universities i applied to, i applied as a first year student. I live in Pennsylvania, and i have moved from Colombia when i was 8. But yet whenever i check my application status for a lot of the schools they say that my "Proof of English Proficiency" is incomplete. First of all what is this? Isnt an A in all of my English classes since freshman year enough to prove im fluent in english? Isnt a higher grade in the SATs that most of my friends enough to prove im fluent in english? Why do they keep on thinking that i need to prove my English? and what am i supposed to do? take a test? get interviewed by someone? send documentation? its getting frustrating
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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Apparently it's not enough for them, though I do think it's silly for them to require tests of English proficiency from you since you've been here since you were a kid. But you should contact that schools and ask them what they want.
2 :
Actually the same thing is happening to me right now. I've lived here for most of my life and have As in all my AP English courses and they still want proof of English Proficiency. Apparently there is a test that your school is supposed to make you take every year. So, you should talk to a counselor or someone from the career center to see when you need to take the test. Personally, I think it is a complete waste of time but apparently it is "necessary" so might as well take it. Hope this helps.
3 :
It happened a few times to me too and I only lived out of the country for a few years. Take the TOEFL exam and submit the scores. That's all there is to it. I know, terrible waste of time. But some college admissions people can't seem to understand that. They have a check-list and this is on the list.
4 :
You must have put something on your application that would make them think they need this. Are you not a U.S. citizen? Are you here on a visa? I would contact the admissions office and let them know that you graduated/will graduate from a U.S. high school (that's generally enough to be exempt from taking the TOEFL or IELTS) which they should know if they have your high school transcript. If, after speaking with them over the phone or in person (not email), they say that you still need to take the test, then suck it up and do it.
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