Monday, March 14, 2011
If Obama studied in Colombia like he claims he did, how come he doesn't speak Spanish?
If Obama studied in Colombia like he claims he did, how come he doesn't speak Spanish?
Supposedly after he spent two years at a place called Accidental College in Californiastan and couldn't make the grade at an American college he hauled himself off to Colombia to get his degree. A degree in what? Cocaine snorting which he admits in his books. This man is a disgrace. Not only was he not born in this country but he was also not even educated here and doesn't even speak a word of Spanish. He must of been the dumbest student in that Colombian college.
Politics - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Should he??? I studied in France and never learned French.
2 :
there's a cure for what you have, but you have to be open to it
3 :
He doesn't speak American either. People have been asking to see a birth certificate for several years and all he produced is a COLB document. I guess he doesn't understand what a birth certificate is. Here are some examples of a real birth certificate in contrast to an application for a COLB which is applied for several days after birth
4 :
I kind of hope your post is a joke. He did study for two years in Occidental College in LA then transferred to Columbia University, which is in New York, not Columbia, so there is no reason why he should speak Spanish. A few years later he also went to Harvard Law School. He was born in Hawaii in 1961, and as Hawaii was made the 50th US state in 1959, so he was both born and educated in America. apart from about 4 years between 67 and 71 (ie when he was 6 to 10 years old) when he went to school in Indonesia.
5 :
It's sometimes hard to see the joke, but yours is obvious.
6 :
7 :
Please post more questions like this in the days before November's elections. Your party has been claiming that people like you don't exist. Thank you.
8 :
Emily? Emily Litella? Is that you? Never mind
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